Pravin gupta

Author & Wildlife Photography
Author & Wildlife Photography


The Star Is Not Dead

Books by Pravin Gupta

For fans of Milk and Honey and Love Her Wild, here comes the second collection of new and beloved poetry by Pravin Gupta, the young writer whose unflinching determination has brought him fame and success at such a tender age. In 'The Star Is Not Dead', Pravin confesses his darkest secrets, reveals unbelievable, raw and relatable moments of his life: from domestic violence, depression, love, betrayal, loneliness, falling and breaking apart to craving for hope a

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मैं और मेरा अकेलापन

Books by प्रवीन गुप्ता

मैं शायरों के लिए मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब बना,
पाठकों के लिए लेखक।
जिसे हसना था, मैं ने जोकर बन हसाया।
जिसे कुछ सुनना था, गीतकार बन सुनाया।
कुछ को जानवर पसंद थे, तो मैं उनके लिए

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The Dark Light: Resurrection of the Mistress

Books by Pravin Gupta

There are some movements near the trees that is drawing Kaal's attention. He turns around, his back towards the wizard, and sees the impossible. Then suddenly, a whipping branch comes slashing through the air straight at his face and he bumps a yard back. When he scrambles back and opens his eyes, out of his two red balls, he witnesses wooden figures in alive form. Some giant, some tiny, saplings, etc. — the whole jungle has risen in rebellion against th

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The Dark Light: Amethyst Heart in the City

Books by Pravin Gupta

Pratik has never rode on Seltion, soaring along with the stream of wind. He knows nothing of Solus Jungle, has never seen any magical books, and has never hexed at anyone. All he knows is a boring and miserable life with his boring uncle. His lives with him — in the Golstide City — next of which is standing an elusive old house, which haunts his curiosity. But all that is about to change when he penetrates the walls of that elusive house next his h

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Glimpses of the Future: An Earthshaking Story

Books by Pravin Gupta

"You use war to maintain peace, while the war is a threat to peace itself."          

— Pravin Gupta, Glimpses of the Future 

Some say that the world will end by the ire of nature, while some blame astronomical events for the end of the world. but one thing that everyone misses is global weaponization. Mohit Suri — a half-paralyzed infamous entrepreneur — finds this a concern. As he is a very

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The Tree's Wise Answer

By Pravin gupta in Poetry | Reads: 439 | Likes: 3

One day the sun asked to the tree, "Why are you so opened and free To human's interminable need As to give them fruit and feed. When they callously exploit you, Selling your branches and timber too." The tree wisely answered the sun, "If I act like them, killing for fun. What difference would remain  Read More...

Published on Apr 24,2020 02:10 PM

The Merciless World

By Pravin gupta in Poetry | Reads: 1,012 | Likes: 2

You break my legs and Expect me to stand up. You needle my eyes and Expect me not to cry. You tie my hands and Expect me to pick up the things. You pull me down and Expect me to climb up. You break my wings and Blame me for not flying. You torture me in everyway, And ask, "Is there any problem?" You  Read More...

Published on Apr 24,2020 01:42 PM

COVID-19 and Humanity

By Pravin gupta in Poetry | Reads: 1,021 | Likes: 0

"The world is not only for humans." This is what the nature says. But they (humans) ruined its fair law, Exploiting it in multiple ways. What they commit and what they do, It possesses a very long gap. Probably that's why Thanos had Wiped out mankind with a finger snap. They fought wars for so many   Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 11:11 PM

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