Arpita Mukherjee


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The Forgotten Deities of Rig Veda

Books by Arpita Mukherjee

The religious belief that the Aryans brought to India, which formed the foundation of Hinduism, was starkly different from what Hindus practise. Just as the word ‘Hindu’ cannot be found in any of the Aryan scriptures, the gods and goddesses venerated in Hinduism are absent in the religious literature of their ancestors. For instance, Rama and Krishna, the most popular incarnations or avataras of Visnu, widely worshipped by Hindus of the modern age,

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Books by Soham Swami

When beholding the world around you, have you ever asked yourself what are all these that I am seeing? From where did these come from and where will they go? How and with what material is this universe of celestial bodies and sentient beings created? Since ancient times philosophers and scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle of creation. While to most this world is real, to the Sunyavadi Buddhists and the Advaitin philosophers, this world is unreal.

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From Untruth to Truth

Books by Soham Swami

"A person who is your real well-wisher is incapable of following the adage - speak the pleasant truth; do not speak the unpleasant truth." India could not advance without reforming the Hindu society steeped in superstition and ignorance and rearing hatred towards non-Hindus and people of lower castes, non-vegetarians and others. Hence, the fearless Advaitin Paramahangsa Soham Swami, as a true son of his motherland and well-wisher of the Hindu race, crit

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Books by Soham Swami

Who am I? From where have I come and where will I go? What is this consciousness that continuously generates the awareness – “I exist”. Is it a feature of my body and will I perish with the death of my body? Or am I the mind? If I am the mind then how do I exist when my mind disappears in a swoon or the deep sleep state? What is the mind? How is it born and how will it perish? Or am I the soul? What is the soul? Is there a single soul or a un

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Soham Tattva

Books by Soham Swami

Soham Tattva describes the journey of the seeker of transcendental knowledge. The author of the book tries to share his experience and attempts to describe the transcendental state that is almost impossible to describe with the help of human language, human feelings, and human knowledge. The inexpressible state can only be attained after overcoming the numerous obstacles scattered across the path of Yoga that leads to the knowledge of Self or Atma Jnana. This

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Soham Gita

Books by Soham Swami

I am constantly saying – my and mine, but who am I? Am I the body or the mind? What is my consciousness – the awareness of my existence that creates the feeling that “I exist”.  From where did my consciousness arise? Is it a property of my body or my mind, or is it beyond my body and mind? What is my relation with this world? From where did I come and where will I depart after death? What is the need for religion, God, scripture, t

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Critical Review of Bhagavad Gita

Books by Soham Swami

The most popular and widely-read book that claims to contain the essence of Hindu thought is Bhagavad Gita. It is venerated by all sections of Hindus and is universally referred to as a mine of infallible knowledge for establishing the veracity of diverse sectarian beliefs in the Hindu society. Though scholars in their commentaries and glosses had often differed in their interpretations of the Gita verses and opposed each other, but none doubted its infallibility

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Books by Arpita Mukherjee

There are no mysteries or secrets of Shiva. Shiva was originally conceived as a symbol by the enlightened sages to elucidate the concept of non-dualism as enshrined in the Vedanta. Paramhangsa Soham Swami had clarified the significance of Shiva, the truth of the symbolism based on Vedic and the post Vedic texts in the poem Shiva. Shiva is a chapter in the Bengali philosophical poem Soham Gita, first published in 1909. Shiva, a lucid concept of Vedanta, had be

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Books by Arpita Mukherjee

In the early 1870s when a sturdy and stubborn teenager from a middle-class Bengali Hindu family joined a wrestling gymnasium in Dacca, little did his family and friends know that this young wrestler will be extolled in the distant future as the pioneer of the cult of physical strength and courage in Bengal. At the age of 23 to prove his masculinity and extraordinary fortitude and physical strength, Shyama Kanta Banerjee chose an unusual vocation – wrestling wit

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