Guru Gaurav Arya


Guru Gaurav Arya is an Indian Astrologer and Researcher. He Is practicing in astrology since 2007. Now, After the completion of many cases, he is providing Astrological Services in the world. He is an Indian Astrologer & Researcher. By profession, he is an Astrologer/Paranormal Expert and Occult master. At the beginning of Career he was a Mechanical Engineer after the completion of Engineering Projects he started Astrology Consulting. Now The Acharya Gaurav Arya is a leading name in Astrology. He wrote many books in the Hindi Language like “Shree Shani Samhita”, “Yantra Tatvam”. AchievRead More...


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शनि चालीसा अर्थ सहित

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि चालीसा का अर्थ है भगवान् शनि देव का वर्णन करना उस वर्णन से शनि प्रसन्न होते है । यहाँ पर चालीसा का अर्थ है की अगर नियम अनुसार चालीस दिनों तक नियम अनुसार शनि चालीसा का पाठ किया

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शनि चालीसा एवं स्त्रोत्र

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि देव का पूजन और पठन हर व्यक्ति नहीं कर सकता है न ही करना चाहिए। लेकिन जब शनि देव अत्याधिक कष्ट दे रहे हो या जातक शनि की ढैय्या या साढ़े साती से गुजर रहा हो तब यह पुस्तक उपयोगी साबि

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Secrets of Lord Shani

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

Through this book, I would like to tell all the seekers the secrets of Shani Dev, which we all need to understand. And by understanding those secrets, how we can know to Shani dev properly. In this book, I have tried to throw light on many mysteries, such as why Shani Dev is called Shani, Shani Dev's color, and why Shani Dev is considered the God of justice. Generally, everyone has read or heard about Shani Dev somewhere. I see that people have less informatio

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99 Thoughts on Lord Shani

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

Shani Dev is one of the most complex and fascinating deities in the Hindu pantheon. He is known as the Lord of Karma and Justice, and he is feared and revered in equal measure.

In this book, I have compiled 99 thoughts on Shani Dev. These thoughts are based on my own experiences, as well as the teachings of various spiritual masters. I hope that this book will help you to understand Shani Dev better and to develop a closer relationship with him.


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Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

श्री शनैश्चरकृतनृसिंहस्तुतिः क्या है ?
शनिदेव द्वारा रचित नरसिम्हा स्तुति एक अद्भुत एवं अत्यंत प्रभावशाली स्तोत्र है। श्री कृष्ण ने धर्मराज से कहा, "जो कोई भी शनि देव और भगवा

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Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि देव का नाम आते ही मनुष्य में स्तब्धता छा जाती है और भय का वातावरण बन जाता है। क्यूंकि शनि देव अनुशासन प्रिय देवता है एवं न्यायधीश के पद पर है। भगवान शनि देव को न्याय का देवता क

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शनिदेव उपवास विधान

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि उपवास महत्व
शनि-ग्रह की शांति या शनि देव को प्रसन्न करने तथा समस्त सुखों की इच्छा रखने वाले स्त्री-पुरुषों को शनिवार का व्रत करना चाहिए । विधिपूर्वक शनिवार का व्रत करने से

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Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

 किसी भी देवता का मंदिर  निर्माण कार्य  बहुत ही महान कार्य है और अगर वो देवता शनि देव हो तो और भी कठिन एवं महान कार्य हो जाता है।  जैसा की प्रदत्त है की शनि देव न्याय के देवता

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Top Ten Mistakes of Parents

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

The purpose of this book is how you can do good parenting. As everybody knows, today's time is changing at a fast speed. And now everything is going challenging for everyone, in relationship-related matters. One of these is the relationship between parents and children. When someone becomes a parent, they think many things in their minds and feel too happy. They feel anxious about their child as well.

But now the question is that this worry required? S

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महाकाल शनि मृत्युंजय स्तोत्र

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

महाकाल शनि मृत्युंजय स्तोत्र सभी अल्पायु, अकाल मृत्यु से बचने का सरल मार्ग है। पार्वती माता ने जनकल्याण हेतु देवादिदेव महादेव से प्रार्थना की इस पर प्रस्सन होकर भगवान् शिव जी न

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शनि चालीसा अर्थ सहित

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि चालीसा का अर्थ है भगवान् शनि देव का वर्णन करना उस वर्णन से शनि प्रसन्न होते है । यहाँ पर चालीसा का अर्थ है की अगर नियम अनुसार चालीस दिनों तक नियम अनुसार शनि चालीसा का पाठ किया

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The Nine Planets of Astrology

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

This book is based on nine planets of Astrology known as SUN, MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, SATURN, JUPITER, RAHU, and KETU know that these planets will decide every horoscope of native (Person who is showing birth chart). In this book, we will read what the nine planets and the property of every planet are and how they work in Vedic astrology. In this book, you can understand all information about the nine planets which are the backbone of Vedic Astrology. 

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Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

Lord Shani Dev, known for his unequaled significance in Hindu Mythology. Lord Shani Dev is called the God of Justice, and for those who need justice, it is very fruitful to go under the protection of Shani Dev. However, due to the ignorance of the incredible powers of the Lord, lot of confusion among the seekers. Many people have a lot of misconceptions about the Lord. Through this book, I would like to share my knowledge and research done so far about the sec

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श्री शनि संहिता

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि संहिता को आप सभी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने का उद्देश्य यह है, कि आप सभी शनि देव के विषय में भली प्रकार समझ पाएं और उनके बारे में समझ कर उनका विशेष आशीर्वाद प्राप्त कर सकें। शनि एक

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Shani Yantra's

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

This book is written to give information about the Shani dev Yantra. But before knowing the Shani Yantra it is necessary to know about the Yantra, I mean simple yantra. 

Yantra (यन्त्र) (Sanskrit) (literally "Yantra, contraption" is a mystical diagram, mainly from the Tantric traditions of the Indian religions. They are used for the worship of deities in temples or at home; as an aid in meditation; used for the benefits given by their

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शनि चालीसा एवं स्त्रोत्र

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

शनि देव का पूजन और पठन हर व्यक्ति नहीं कर सकता है न ही करना चाहिए। लेकिन जब शनि देव अत्याधिक कष्ट दे रहे हो या जातक शनि की ढैय्या या साढ़े साती से गुजर रहा हो तब यह पुस्तक उपयोगी साबि

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Secrets of Lord Shani

Books by Guru Gaurav Arya

Through this book, I would like to tell all the seekers the secrets of Shani Dev, which we all need to understand. And by understanding those secrets, how we can know to Shani dev properly. In this book, I have tried to throw light on many mysteries, such as why Shani Dev is called Shani, Shani Dev's color, and why Shani Dev is considered the God of justice. Generally, everyone has read or heard about Shani Dev somewhere. I see that people have less informatio

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मेरी स्वर्ग यात्रा

Books by आचार्य गौरव आर्य

मैंने अपने जीवन में कभी भी किसी स्वर्ग या नर्क की कल्पना नहीं की थी मैं हमेशा यही मानता आया था की स्वर्ग और नर्क धरती पर ही होते है कर्म के अनुसार ही फल मिलता है अतार्थ स्वर्ग या नर्

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शनि विधान

Books by आचार्य गौरव आर्य

शनि विधान को आप सभी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने का उद्देश्य यह है, कि आप सभी शनि देव के पूजन विधान को भली भांति प्रकार से समझ पाएं । शनि एक संस्कृत शब्द है। ‘शनये कमति सः’ जिसका अर्थ है ‘अ

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Lal Kitab

Books by Gaurav Arya

Pt. Roop Chand Joshi invented Lal Kitab in the 19th Century. The first book published in 1939 is preserved in Lahore Museum. Lal Kitab is a scarce book in the field of Astrology. Lal Kitab is a simple way to predict any person's horoscope or a thing. The Lal Kitab is based on the nine planets. The name is Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu & Ketu. Lal Kitab is easy to use and can predict without much more calculations.
I am writing

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यन्त्र तत्त्वं

Books by गुरु गौरव आर्य

मानव को अपने जीवन में जिस चीज़ कि सबसे ज्यादा जरुरत महसूस हुई वह है सुख, क्यूँकि मनुष्य को सुख प्राप्त हो जाये तो वह संतुष्ट हो जाता है, पर ऐसा होना संभव नहीं है। सृष्टि कि संरचना के उ

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My First Army Operation

By Guru Gaurav Arya in Adventure | Reads: 3,208 | Likes: 0

Security of Valley (J&K Border)In between, training camps used to run during all this. I always got chastisement from my officers because of my imprudence. And always Sukha supported me to reduce my chastisement. One day from the headquarter an order comes that our company will move to the J  Read More...

Published on Jun 16,2022 11:35 PM

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