Dr Hemachandran Ravikumar

Indian Scientist, Founder of N&H Research Park
Indian Scientist, Founder of N&H Research Park

Dr Hemachandran Ravikumar is a Notable scientist, Doctor of Medical Research and Development by profession. He is the recipient of Best Poster (Scientist) of India Award – 2018 from Government of India, Author of Fastest Book Writer World Record making book Secrets of society – 2019, GTF World Business summit Award-2020 in field of Science and Technology and Founder of N&H Research Park – India’s First Private space logical analytics Research and Development services company headquartered in Tamil Nadu. The Company aims to make space science logically more reliable. He is well known foRead More...


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Secrets of Society

Books by Dr Hemachandran Ravikumar

Social media have been growing at a tremendous rate while producing massive numbers of users worldwide. Social interaction and dissemination of information have been among the distinct characteristics of social media. People are getting a deeper connection to the available social networks, ​​​In one way it is very useful for the development of the people, Yet in another way, it is making our regular life abnormal. Social media presence has become a must

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Economical survey of India

Books by Kavyanath Thangamalar

Economics is about making your choice wiser upon trade . We make various kind of choices everyday.its purely based on How much we spend on gas,electricity,food,etc. Many people on hearing the word "Economics", thinks that it is all about money but actually Economy is not just about money. It is about weighing different choices or alternatives. Some among these choices involve money,but most do not . Most of your daily, monthly, or life choices have nothing to d

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The Modern Era 21st Century

Books by Dr.Hema R Chandran

In the world of social media Facebook, Twitter,instagram watercooler conversations with co-workers and backyard small talk with neighbors have moved from the physical world to the digital arena. Previous exchanges with familiar and trusted individuals have been replaced by large-scale chatter accessible to acquaintances and strangers. Discussions that once went unrecorded now leave traces that can be explored years later. The way in which we share information and

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Chandran's Theory of Activities in Space

Books by Dr.HemaChandan Ravikumar

“Solar system,The planets,The stars,The comets,asteroid, and other objects of the Universe are the most spoken topic of the human beings up to date and there are many myths also involved. We all are aware about the Newton's law of gravity upon the earth by sun is the reason for earth's revolution around the sun . If so, then sun must have surely pulled earth into it, like the objects pulled towards the earth's surface by its force of attraction, i.e: Gravitatio

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