ayush kumar


Pirates of the Arab

Books by Ayush Kumar

This is a fictional comedy and adventure novel set for boys and men above thirteen years of age. The story is set in the early nineteenth century when the Trucial States were under British rule. The book contains twenty-six interesting , amazing chapters containing humour as well as thrill.

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अखंड भारत

Books by

यह एक ऐतिहासिक फिक्शन उपन्यास है। इस पुस्तक में चाणक्य एवं चन्द्रगुप्त के जीवन व अखंड भारत के उनके स्वप्न हेतु किये गए कार्यों पर दृष्टि डाली गयी है। भरपूर ऐक्शन, युद्ध, ड्रामा। य

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Invasion on Motherland

Books by Ayush Kumar

It is an historical fiction book. the content is violent and adventurous, with some emotional scenes. It is the first part of Imperialism series. Plot:- The Napoleonic armies are reaching Britain. What is the role of soldiers and civilians in this raging war? Who is right and who is wrong? Are the British strong enough to make the French retreat?

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