Sudarsan S



Oath of Hippocrates

Books by Sudarsan S

Medicine – Indispensable profession, inscrutable practices, infinite source of money

Youth – Unassuming profile, unbending morals, untiring tenacity

The medical profession is a noble one. Absolutely. Medical professionals? That is a different story.

Based on real events, Oath of Hippocrates is the story of a medical student who skips his final exams at the risk of rustication, seeking to learn the trade, tric

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By Sudarsan S in Life Journey | Reads: 4,422 | Likes: 22

The only thing that would have been more incongruous than Rohit exiting his premium brand SUV in the parking area of a government hospital intended for low-income group citizens would have been a lion eating popcorn while watching a movie in a theatre. He was confused at first at the lack of paralle  Read More...

Published on Jul 10,2022 10:37 PM

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