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Can You Swim In A Sea Of Plastic?

Books by Vardhan Goyal

Plastic pollution has now become a global concern as plastic debris have reached all the oceans of the world with adverse effects on marine organisms and biodiversity as well as on human livelihoods and economy. Marine plastics result from inadequate waste disposal infrastructure and management but also a lack of public knowledge about their environmental impacts. The economic impact of marine plastics on coastal communities is also considerable, especially fo

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The Science Explorer

Books by Vardhan Goyal

Explore the myriad of creative ways that pure science is applied to transform our lives, our society, and the environment through feats of engineering, industrial art, machines, and more. Explore the architecture and development of the brain and body from child to adult. This section includes information on medical developments and studies, genetics, fitness, and nutrition trends. Explore the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, anim

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Waste to Energy

Books by Vardhan Goyal

This book includes my aims and goal to show the whole world what they should do to stop pollution or recycle pollution ,recycle paper , recycle clothes and convert energy to waste. This book also contains the method to protect and save our Earth and these can also be done at home as well as your institutions.

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मेरी खामोशी और मैं

By Vardhan in Poetry | Reads: 592 | Likes: 1

मेरी खामोशी कहती है तू अंदर ही अंदर इतना चिल्लाता क्यों है ? जो वो गुजरती है तेरे दिल से तो फिर खुद को बहलाता क्यों है  Read More...

Published on Mar 27,2020 09:53 PM

The Last Stretch

By Vardhan in General Literary | Reads: 537 | Likes: 2

My shirt was covered in sweat. I was panting so loudly, I couldn’t even hear the people around me. It was the last stretch; all I had to do was push. My body couldn’t take anymore, but there was no option, it had to. I knew that I was going to have to suffer the consequences but, it was   Read More...

Published on Mar 26,2020 10:22 AM

The Redeeming Rain

By Vardhan in Poetry | Reads: 715 | Likes: 39

Huddled beneath a winding arch,  Staring at the endless downpour; Pouring heaven, pouring skies, Pouring heart, pouring lies; Lies, stirrer of debates, yet employed by all, Truth, bitter-sweet, shunned, after all; Drenched through and through,  Drenched with pain, with disgust, Shamelessl  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 07:52 PM


By Vardhan in Poetry | Reads: 1,013 | Likes: 18

Darkness is not despair, though we have made it to be. It is not a fear a monster (incorrectly named, for monstrum meant ‘the one who warns’ / we are constant perpetuators of misnomers for we believe the old demons to be gods). It is simply the absence of light, the unknown. And man huma  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 04:05 AM

The Last Meal

By Vardhan in Supernatural | Reads: 7,489 | Likes: 59

It was the 8th of November 1998. My sister and I were playing outside near the woods next to our house. Our parents were in the backyard, cooking food on the grill. We were playing hide and seek, and I was the seeker. I counted till 30 and then opened my eyes. I asked her to give me a hint, I heard   Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 04:12 PM

Danger Awaits

By Vardhan in War Story | Reads: 30,966 | Likes: 107

Afraid, I hesitantly walked with my two teenage daughters in the darkness through a dense thicket.The waning moon acted as the only source of light. We were going to the nearest railway station to catch a train. Papaji had stayed behind to protect his mulk. Houses were completely burnt, and there we  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 04:05 AM

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