Gowtham G


The Discreet Hit

Books by Gowtham Gurunath

What happens in “The Discreet Hit”? 4th of July: On one of the busiest days of America, An attempt is made to shoot the president and the only chances of survival of the shooter are ZERO. When the authorities pinpoint three persons of interests, the only person who can find the shooter is an Ex – TCG task force interrogator, Jeffrey Turner. The stakes are too high and the only thing they don’t have is “Time”. Will Jeffrey Turner race against the

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Are We Humans, After All?

By Gowtham G in True Story | Reads: 458 | Likes: 1

We've created a civilisation hell bent on destroying itself. As a young boy, I had lain on the grass on clear summer evenings and looked up at one of the dots in the night sky and wondered if around that star a planet orbited with beings that could look up from the surface of their world and similar  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 11:35 PM

On The Night Of The Christmas Eve

By Gowtham G in Horror | Reads: 1,554 | Likes: 3

It was the night of the Christmas Eve and the entire sky was shrouded with complete darkness, yet the place looked so lit up; colourful lights, gleaming billboards, and plenty of street lights. The city was so alive. The narrow, yet the busiest streets of Paris were filled with tiny little snowflake  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 11:29 PM

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