Vaishnavi Sanoj

Writer, Author, Teacher
Writer, Author, Teacher


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Sidereal Destiny


Life is full of surprises and uncertainties. Despite all the technological advancements, and specifically all the prediction systems like weather forecasting systems, stock market prediction systems, no science lab has ever produced a human-life-predicting-system. Therein comes astrology, tarot reading, and so on. Ancient they may seem to be, but the proliferation of fortune-telling websites and related Android applications are simply more than enough to prove

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Healing Equation

By Vaishnavi Sanoj in Poetry | Reads: 865 | Likes: 2

Yes, it is a virus, and no, our weapons don’t work. Unlike our fake netas, the viruses don’t discriminate – religion, colour, tattoo, hairstyle, social status, Facebook status nothing matters. The walls and sealed borders don’t matter. Our landing on moon and mars don’t  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 09:08 PM

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