Utsav Mishra

poet and storyteller
poet and storyteller

utsav is a short story writer and a poet who writes in both Hindi and English with excellent command over Urdu. he started writing at the age of 16 and till now he has one published collection of Hindi short stories and several anthologies.Read More...


काली: शक्ति - 2

Books by उत्सव

भारत। हमारा देश, हमारा मुल्क। एक नाम जिसके लिए जान भी ले ले कोई तो मंजूर है। इस राष्ट्र में सब खुशहाल तो कभी रहा नहीं पर हर गलती, हर चोट पे बाद फिर उठा ये मुल्क अपनी कहानी लिखने को।

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शक्ति: दुर्गा से काली।

Books by उत्सव

क्या हुआ जब एक रोज़ महिषासुर ने धरती पे कदम रखा स्वप्नों के माध्यम से? देवी के आगमन का संदेशा लाये महिषासुर के साथ घटी हर घटना है ये। दुर्गा का गौरी से काली बनने तक का सफर है आगे। तो

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Books by उत्सव

किसने किसको वोट किया.. पुरानी किताब के पन्नों पे कौन जिया..
ज़िंदा मुर्दा किसका इश्क़ रहा?
शतरंज की गोटियों के कटने के ग़म कौन सहा।
क्या रिश्ता भारत का इससे?
कैसे हर कहानी का एक

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The exclusive news

By Utsav Mishra in Politics | Reads: 2,200 | Likes: 2

The exclusive news There's a party on the other side. Two men were seen talking about India in Pakistan. It's not a crime to celebrate a nation's victory but to judge it after your own victory is problematic. 15th August 1947, Balochistan."There's a party going on there. What are they so happy abou  Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 11:43 AM


By Utsav Mishra in Sci-fi | Reads: 707 | Likes: 0

"stop, just fucking stop" she yelled in a voice as if nothing bothered her more than that voice echoing in her ears since morning. "I won't..... The truth lies here dear... Face it.... Like you promised me you will...." the voice echoed 'gain.It was 2032..Artificial intelligence had made lives much   Read More...

Published on Apr 11,2020 10:14 PM


By Utsav Mishra in General Literary | Reads: 754 | Likes: 0

There is a lockdown.Yes...I am writing from a not so small city in bihar...Muzaffarpur.It has been an hour since the government announced a complete lockdown in the state.And i can see a fully functional city transforming itself into a center of deep oblivion.This is the city i grew up in...From the  Read More...

Published on Apr 11,2020 10:12 PM


By Utsav Mishra in Poetry | Reads: 684 | Likes: 0

"Aao huzoor tumko.............Sitaron me........"A fast moving car..Empty streets of kolkata...A retro song playing in the music system of that car..A girl dancing on the middle of the road as if the houses along the streets will applaud the performance in the end....All this in one late night frame  Read More...

Published on Apr 11,2020 10:11 PM

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