

மிடில் கிளாஸ்

Books by பாக்ய லட்சுமி

எதார்த்தமான சிறுகதைகள். அன்றாட வாழ்வில் நடக்கும் சம்பவங்கள் தான் இந்த கதை தொகுப்பு. எளிமையான வாசிப்பு அனுபவம் கிடைக்கும் என்ற நம்பிக்கையில் இக்கதையை வெளியிட்டுள்ளேன்

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ஆனந்த பூஞ்சோலை

Books by

The story is about a family that lives together and the bond they share

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Ammu prahalad

Books by K. Bhagyalakshmi

"Ammu" is a girl who has a dream to become as chartered accountant but suddenly her marriage is planned with Mr.prahalad . so once after she married how she lead the life is the story. Does she love Mr. Prahalad? Do her husband support her to acheive dream? How she face the family?? Read the story ....u ll get interested with knowing about"Ammu" Title of the story "Ammu prahalad" An imagination love story

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By bhagyalakshmi in Mystery | Reads: 4,997 | Likes: 2

கதவு. எப்போதும் தாழிட்டு இருக்கும் கதவு அது. என்ன மாயமோ மந்திரமோ மர்மமோ தெரியவில்லை சதா எந்நேரமும் ஆள் இல்லாமல  Read More...

Published on Jun 15,2022 11:55 AM

Love can make anything

By bhagyalakshmi in Romance | Reads: 401 | Likes: 1

whatever may be the situation, a love can make you forget your worries. Here love doesn't mean about romance, it really means about a care and affection. A simple story  A poor couple was planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary but could not bring out in a grand manner, so both thought   Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 12:10 AM

Love can make anything

By bhagyalakshmi in Romance | Reads: 390 | Likes: 1

whatever may be the situation, a love can make you forget your worries. Here love doesn't mean about romance, it really means about a care and affection. A simple story  A poor couple was planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary but could not bring out in a grand manner, so both thought   Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 12:09 AM

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