Sudhir Kulkarni


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Body Never Lies

Books by Sudhir Kulkarni

Life is whole and complete. The paradox is its interconnection
of innumerable moments scattered here and there.

I have borrowed many things from the many sages and wise 
men/women. Yet it is not like a mere compilation of telephone 
directory. I have not written anything which, I have not tried & 
tested, with my own experience - The ultimate yardstick of Truth.

Dear readers, it is a koan. Find the Truth hidden in

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Handbook of Reiki Healing

Books by Sudhir Kulkarni

There are plenty of informations, literatures, research-findings, descriptions available of all hues and colors to tell about Reiki. However there is not much writing available on concise & healer-specific data for those who consistently devote themselves for Reiki-Healing.

Hence based on the experience of Reiki-healing of various ailments and persons of different age-&-status-groups, I decided to jot down the compilation of data of these heali

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Realize your own GWM

By Sudhir Kulkarni in General Literary | Reads: 479 | Likes: 0

[0002] Write your Heart ❤️ out.                                              

Published on Mar 31,2020 11:51 AM

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