Rohit Choubey

Author and Foodie
Author and Foodie

Rohit is a traveler soul and a foodie guy who loves story telling. Right from the time he graduated and began his professional journey, he knew that story telling was his forte and what can be better to make a living out of something that you love to do. It was this very notion that he began his career as a content analyst. He has worked with multiple businesses from various niche and also from different geographies across the world. He has no doubt added value to each one of them in tangible and in-tangible forms. A traveler has more storied to embark than anyone in this world. He has travellRead More...


ये कैसी उलझन

Books by रोहित चौबे

कहते हैं की जिंदगी एक समुन्द्र के समान है जिसमे हम अपनी कश्ती का संचालन बराबर करते रहते है। कई ऐसे पल आते हैं जो हमें हसाते है तो कई सारे पल हमें बहुत रुलाते है। लेकिन उन लम्हों का

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