Rajat Bindal

Advocate Litigation and Social worker
Advocate Litigation and Social worker

graduate of law from Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. Have an honour to study by Padamshree Prof. Upendra Buxi, Padamshree Prof. N.R.M. Menon, Padamshree Prof. M.P. Singh. Working as Civil and divorce lawyer . He is a social worker and remained President of Rotary Club. Organised several cataract operation camps and health camps in villages. Installed several deep bre handpumps in villages where drinking water was a problem.Read More...


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Books by Rajat Bindal

The Indian Evidence Act 1872 is replaced with Bharatiy Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023. The old Act had become redundant by the passage of time and therefore the need arose to change it completely instead of making many amendments.

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Books by Rajat Bindal

The Indian Evidence Act 1872 is replaced with Bharatiy Sakshya Adhiniyam 2023. The old Act had become redundant by the passage of time and therefore the need arose to change it completely instead of making many amendments.

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Books by रजत बिंदल

ये किताब छोटी छोटी कहानियों का संग्रह है . दरअसल में ये कहानियाँ नहीं हैं वरन हमारी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में होने वाली छोटी छोटी घटनाओं का संकलन है. जो हमारे दिल को झकझोर जाती हैं और

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Books by रजत बिंदल

ये किताब छोटी छोटी कहानियों का संग्रह है . दरअसल में ये कहानियाँ नहीं हैं वरन हमारी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में होने वाली छोटी छोटी घटनाओं का संकलन है. जो हमारे दिल को झकझोर जाती हैं और

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अदालत के अन्दर

Books by रजत बिंदल

अक्सर आम जनता को ये जिज्ञासा होती है की अदालत के अन्दर कोर्ट में मुकदमों की कार्यवाही किस प्रकार होती है . अधिकतर हिंदी फिल्मों में अदालत की कार्यवाही का जो चित्रण किया जाता है व

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The Consumer Protection Act, (2019)

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

Set out below are some of the Key Highlights of the New Act:

- Covers E-Commerce Transactions

- Enhancement of Pecuniary Jurisdiction

- E-Filing of Complaints

- Establishment of Central Consumer Protection Authority

- The CCPA has been granted wide powers to take suo-moto actions, recall products, order reimbursement of the price of goods/services, cancel licenses and file class action suits, if a consumer complaint affe

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The Consumer Protection Act, 2019

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

This book includes : 

1. The Consumer Protection ( Mediation )Rules, 2020         

2. The Consumer Protection Rules , 2020          

3. The Consumer Protection ( General Rules) 2020             

4. The Consumer Protection ( E Commerce) Rules, 2020     

5. The Central Consumer Protection Authority 

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रोजाना काम के कानून व हिन्दू विवाह कानून

Books by रजत बिंदल

यह किताब मैंने हिंदुस्तान के उन लोगों के लिए लिखी है जिन्हें कानून की अच्छी समझ नहीं है. यह किताब मैंने हिंदुस्तान की साधारण जनता के लिए लिखी है. मैंने यह समझा है कि आम जनता कानून

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जनता के लिए सरकारी अनुदान की योजनायें

Books by रजत बिंदल , एडवोकेट

आमतौर पर सरकारें आम जनता के लिए बहुत सी अनुदान योजनायें बनाती हैं , परन्तु हम लोग उन योजनायों के बारें में जानकारी न होने के कारण उसका फायदा नहीं उठा पाते . सरकारी योजनायों को जनता

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The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 is a very important Act in today’s corporate world. It governs the dealing in negotiable instruments such as cheaques, bills, hundis etc. Section 138 of the Act is very important and relates to bouncing of cheaques due to insufficiency of funds. Recently the Supreme court in“Dashrath Roop Singh Rathod VS State of Maharashtra”, held that the complaint can be filed in the court at the place of branch where the drawer of the

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The Constitution of India

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

The Constitution of India is reproduced here.

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Laws Related to Medical Practitioners

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

This book is prepared keeping in mind the difficulties faced by the medical practitioners with respect to legal formalities they come across during their practice. Law is a field, the prima facie knowledge of which is very much essential. In the modern day world the patients are becoming so restless that they approach the police and courts for petty reasons. In such a situation if a doctor is aware of the legal position, it would become easier for him to handle t

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The Consumer Protection Act 2019 (Diglot Edition)

Books by Rajat Bindal Advocate

The Digital Age has ushered in a new era of commerce and digital branding, as well as a new set of customer expectations. Digitisation has provided easy access, a large variety of choice, convenient payment mechanisms, improved services and shopping as per convenience. However, along the growth path it also brought in challenges related to consumer protection. Keeping this in mind and to address the new set of challenges faced by consumers in the digital age, th

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The Consumer Protection Act 2019

Books by Rajat Bindal, Advocate

The Digital Age has ushered in a new era of commerce and digital branding, as well as a new set of customer expectations. Digitisation has provided easy access, a large variety of choice, convenient payment mechanisms, improved services and shopping as per convenience. However, along the growth path it also brought in challenges related to consumer protection. Keeping this in mind and to address the new set of challenges faced by consumers in the digital age, th

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Family Law

Books by Rajat Bindal, Advocate

Hindu Marriage Act , 1955 Family Courts Act, 1984 U.P. Hindu Marriage Registration Rules, 1973 Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act , 1956 Hindu Minority and Gaurdianship Act, 1956 Hindu Succession Act, 1956 Muslim Women ( Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill , 2017 Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorc

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मेरी कलम से

Books by रजत बिन्दल

ये किताब मेरे द्वारा समय समय पर लिखी गई कविताओं का संग्रह है . जीवन के इस खजाने को मैंने अपने कैमरे से खींची गई फोटोज के साथ संग्रहित करने का प्रयास किया है .

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रोजाना काम में आने वाले कानून

Books by रजत बिन्दल

इस किताब में कानून को अत्यंत सरल भाषा में समझाया गया है . रोजाना हम ऐसी परिस्तिथियों से गुजरते हैं जहां हम सोचते है कि अमुक कानून पता होता तो अच्छा होता . यहाँ पर ऐसे ही कानूनों के ब

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हिन्दू विवाह एवं तलाक के कानून

Books by

यह किताब हिंदुस्तान के उन लोगों के लिए लिखी गई है जिन्हें कानून की अच्छी समझ नहीं है. आम जनता कानून की पेचीदगियों को अच्छी तरह से नहीं समझ सकती है. कानून को समझने के लिए उन्हें ऐसी क

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