Kothai Ravi


A teacher by proffession ,love dealing children and their enthusiasmRead More...

My first F(P)light

By Kothai Ravi in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 451 | Likes: 9

Like every middle class parent even my life was busy with bringing up children ,their education ,marriage etc.I didnt even have time to watch the planes flying in the sky ,which was my childhood hobby.Where would I have time or budget to fly in the plane? Seeing my grandchildren teasing me that I ha  Read More...

Published on Apr 30,2020 08:41 AM

The drowning voices

By Kothai Ravi in General Literary | Reads: 443 | Likes: 0

Its not like those days.Managing a school has become a risk these days. In olden days parents used to say:"Leave alone my son's eyes;You can just peel off his skin if he doesn't behave or study well" But nowadays even  if a boy falls down while playing in the ground, parents are doubtful. They   Read More...

Published on Apr 11,2020 01:02 PM

நாய் படாத பாடு

By Kothai Ravi in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 4,656 | Likes: 9

நாய் வளர்ப்பவர்கள் வீட்டுக்கு போயிருக்கிறீர்கள?நமக்கு தான் அது நாய், அவர்களுக்கோ அது செல்லப் பிள்ளை !இருந்து வ  Read More...

Published on Mar 27,2020 07:24 PM

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