Reny D'cruz

Author/ Poet/ Teacher/ Counsellor/ Therapist
Author/ Poet/ Teacher/ Counsellor/ Therapist

Ms Saz is an author of children's literature. She has a rich experience in working with children as an educator. She is a polyglot, mostly writes on topics related to children, parenting, articles, pamphlets and poetry.  She began writing her debut novel after obsessing over books about Sudha Krishnamurthy. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling in the library and not have any prejudice regarding any specific subject and while practising aimlessness pick any book that interests her and blog about it. Ms Saz is the author of Beyond the Woods,  ThrougRead More...


ഉൾക്കാഴ്ചയുടെ മന്ത്രിപ്പുകൾ

Books by മിസ്സ്. സാസ്സ്

'ഉൾക്കാഴ്ചയുടെ മന്ത്രിപ്പുകൾ' എന്ന ഈ ചെറു പുസ്തകം, സമ്മുഖവാക്യമാലയാണ്. പ്രചോദനനാത്മക കുറിപ്പുകളുടെ ഒരു ചെറിയ ശേഖരണം മാത്രം. വളരെ സാധാരണയായി നമ്മുടെ ചുറ്റിലും കാണുന്ന പല വ

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The Halfway ticket

Books by Ms.Saz

 "The Halfway Ticket" is a compass for those navigating the intricate paths of parenting—a guidebook infused with reflections, insights, and actionable steps to not only traverse the terrain but to savor each step along the way.   This book is a testament to the belief that reflection is not a pause in the journey but a deliberate and empowering stride. May this book be a lantern, casting light on the path ahead, and a mirror, reflecting the pr

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അറിവും ആനന്ദവും

Books by മിസ്സ്. സാസ്സ്

'അറിവും ആന്ദവും - വാക്യമാല' എന്ന ഈ ചെറു പുസ്തകം, സമ്മുഖവാക്യമാലയാണ്. പ്രചോദനനാത്മക കുറിപ്പുകളുടെ ഒരു ചെറിയ ശേഖരണം മാത്രം. വളരെ സാധാരണയായി നമ്മുടെ ചുറ്റിലും കാണുന്ന പല വസ്

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वसंत वाटिका

Books by मि. सास

यह कक्षा 6 से 8 के व्याकरण भाग को संकलित करने के लिए एक विनम्र पहल है। इन कक्षाओं के महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को वर्कशीट के रूप में जोड़ा जाता है।

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ചിന്തകളുടെ മന്ത്രശില്പം

Books by മിസ്സ്.സാസ്

'ചിന്തകളുടെ മന്ത്രശില്പം' എന്ന ഈ ചെറു പുസ്തകം, സമ്മുഖവാക്യമാലയാണ്. പ്രചോദനനാത്മക കുറിപ്പുകളുടെ ഒരു ചെറിയ ശേഖരണം മാത്രം. വളരെ സാധാരണയായി നമ്മുടെ ചുറ്റിലും കാണുന്ന പല വസ്തു

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Fiddling on

Books by Ms Saz

"Fiddling on the Balancing Beam," is a motivational book for teenagers that offers practical advice, personal insights, and inspiration for facing life's hurdles.

The title of this book comes from my own experiences. I remember vividly the feeling of balancing on a thin beam, trying to stay focused and steady while the world around me felt chaotic and unpredictable. It was a challenge, but it was also a thrill, and it taught me the importance of persev

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The Dialogues

Books by Ms . Saz

The Dialogues of Sacred Souls is a collection of quotes from saints of the Catholic Church. This is a handbook for young adults to know about the lives of these great souls. May these quotes inspire you to seek a deeper understanding of spiritual life, and may they help you to cultivate a greater sense of peace, love, and compassion in your life and in the world around you.

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Books by Ms. Saz

Motherhood, a call is a collection of mother saints in the Catholic Church. Each saint has a unique story to tell, a journey of faith and devotion that has touched countless lives. Their life stories offer a roadmap for how we can live our lives with greater meaning and purpose and how we can make a positive difference in the world around us.May their lives inspire us and guide us.

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What's in your cuisine ?

Books by Ms Saz

A handbook that is from gran's legecy. You wil come across a variety of dishes from Anglo -Indian cuisine, that are hot and spicy. Every dish is unique, and holds a story to it. A humble effort to bring together India's delicious dishes, which are rarely tasted.

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The Footprints

Books by Ms.Saz

The book introduces the young Saints of the Catholic Church. The idea behind the launch of the book is to give the children the awareness of the holiness of oneself. The life events of each saint would leave a deep impact on the young minds, that may be moved by their good deeds and also their intersession would protect them from all evil and harm. The Catholic church is a strongly built institution that advice the family apostolate, to bring up the new epoch

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Candid Tones

Books by Ms Saz

Candid Tones is the second volume of poems under the title Unfading Lilacs. The theme used was simple and natural. Nature has a great influence, that forces me to pen down every time.The poems are mainly spoken by or to nature, where I feel incredibly happy to be with.

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Take one step

Books by Ms Saz

'Take one step' is an attempt forwarded by the author to motivate the timid, fearful, weary, distressed,
anxious, bullied and ruptured minds around us. The book is for those who have not yet started to think
about themselves. The book is meant to be an inspirational capsule, which would bring out great
changes and reach beyond their expectations.

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Mellifluous Odes

Books by Ms Saz

Mellifluous Odes is the third volume of the poem under the title Unfading Lilacs. The poems are written in different poetic styles. The theme used was simple and natural . Nature has greatly influnced me to pen down the verses. 

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Samantha's Hamper of Coloured Popcorns

Books by Ms.Saz

The book ' Samantha's hamper of Coloured Popcorns' is a collection of short stories for young children who love nature and pets. The stories are thoughtfully woven into the world and feelings of little ones. The situations narrated are incidental events of real life.

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Beyond the woods

Books by Ms Saz

The book comprises over 24 stories that are related to nature and simple creatures. Tabitha is a little girl with curious mind. She loves and admires nature. Her thirst for knowledge is the essence of the story  ' Beyond the woods'.

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Unfading Lilacs

Books by Ms. Saz

'Unfading Lilacs ' is a collection of verses. It contains a series of eighty plus, different topics. Most of them are related to life and lives of nature and own experiences. The verses will delve deeply into your mind; take you to a new dimension of thoughts and feelings.

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Through My Translucent Goggles.

Books by Ms Saz

'Through my translucent goggles ' is a collection of short stories. The story is written for children 's literature. Below the title, you will come across four categories of stories. It belongs to fiction and non-fiction series. The stories include memoir, facts, travelogue and fiction.

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Be the bee

By Reny D'cruz in Poetry | Reads: 235 | Likes: 0

Be the bee To be a bee is not that simple It's a lifestyle of great implication. Neither day nor night set them back It is the work that forages their track. They are the wonderful evolution of creation Indispensable for man and garden. One is  their motto, one is their goal  To live a li  Read More...

Published on Apr 3,2020 06:26 PM

Heart to Heart

By Reny D'cruz in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0

Heart to heart Words of selfish thoughts are meaningless For phrases of the soul speaks aloud to heart. Acts of careless efforts are ineffective For activities of the core talks aloud to heart. Words are put to action, as they are struck Deeply by the neglected pains of within.  Terms of expres  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 08:42 PM

Far beyond the Culture

By Reny D'cruz in Poetry | Reads: 764 | Likes: 0

Far Beyond the culture  Powered tongues were speechless Awakening messages were meaningless, Strong arms were simply helpless At the outbreak of the silent war. Multi-languages were one to be General ideas were merely one The knowledge that shared was the same At the episode of the silent war  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 08:35 PM

Vibes of Positivity

By Reny D'cruz in Poetry | Reads: 2,571 | Likes: 1

Vibes  of Positivity Whacked by a pandemic on a Monday dawn, In the midst of exam mood. Youngsters cheered at early holidays  Cried out kids to see their pals in class. Mothers struggled to find a way to get Along with their lads at home in leisure time. All relaxed in the temperate mo  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 08:18 PM

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