Sumit Dwivedi

Author and Sketch Artist
Author and Sketch Artist

Hi This is Sumit Dwivedi s/o Mr R.K Dwivedi Born in 1997 in Bhopal. Sports(State Champion in Badminton), gossip, small talk,and the exposure to a steady stream of musical instruments (Guitar) in childhood.Previous published work of the Author is available on website . Thus, there has been sufficient time left for veritable challenges. During my schooltime already, I followed first problems on the field of comparative linguistics,which, during my subsequent study of physics (theory of elementary particles),focused at the complex of problems around a Mathematical Sciences. Thechallenge of fundaRead More...



Books by सुमित द्विवेदी

सनातन धर्म में एकादशी का अत्यंत महत्व है । हर एकादशी को हिंदू धर्म में एक त्योहार के रुप में माना जाता है,हिंदू धर्म का हर त्योहार हमे जीवन की एक नई सीख देता है तथा जीवन में लक्ष्य

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मधुशालय १५ विचार

Books by सुमित द्विवेदी

महान कवि स्व श्री हरिवंश राय बच्चन जी ने अपनी कविताओं से समस्त देश को प्रेरित कर हर परिस्थिति में एक नई राह दिखाइ है जिनकी कुछ प्रमुख रचनाओं के बारे में हम अपनी अगली पुस्तक में वि

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Sangharsh 1917-1984 tak

Books by Sumit Dwivedi

The story "Sangharsh 1917-1984" is life story of First Women Prime Minister of India Mrs.INDIRA NEHRU GANDHI. From this story we can understand how Indira play role of Amazing lady even in difficult situations, ? How Indira Gandhi save the border of India durin 1971 Bangladesh desh liberation war ? It is a motivational story for all ladies .

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एक अधूरा राज

Books by सुमित द्विवेदी

एक अधूरा राज डर और रहस्य की कहानी है। यह कहानी एक अभियांत्रिकी कॉलेज की सच्ची घटना पर आधारित है। यह काल्पननक ओर अकाल्पननक कहानी का मिश्रण है। कहानी में घटना का वर्णन अभियांत्रि

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Books by सुमित द्विवेदी

यह शायरी किताब केवल सच्चे प्रेमियों के लिए लिखी गई है जो वास्तव में प्यार की भावना को समझते हैं। वे अपने वेलेंटाइन के लिए इस वेलेंटाइन सीजन में अपने प्यार का इजहार करने के लिए इस

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Tere Isq ki KASHISH

Books by Sumit Kumar Dwivedi

This is shayri book written only for true lovers who actually understand the feeling of love . They can take it as a wonderful gift for our Valentine’s in this Valentine season to express their love.

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Books by Sumit Dwivedi

NH 4 is a story of Crime Fiction, Thrill, Horror which relate to true incident. IN this story a Rock star named Aditya kill her ex-wife. To know why ? Read the story. 

NH 4 is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely

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Books by Sumit D

This book contains theory of time , inspired by theory of relativity ,Big Bang theory and Hawking’s theory of Everything.

It is the fact of universe that everything is in momentum in the universe nothing is stable or in equilibrium , Sometimes we consider few things are stable but actually this is the frame of reference.

Let we consider a common example Suppose we are in the running train and object in the train are

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The Call Of Mother Earth

By Sumit Dwivedi in Poetry | Reads: 1,030 | Likes: 1

                                POEM             “THE CALL OF MOTHER EARTH”  Mother Earth is calling, handle my lap ! You too will be destroyed if my dignity is  broken  Read More...

Published on Jul 1,2020 12:34 AM

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