Eleena Sanyal Banerji


https://eleenasanyal.wordpress.com/ is my own Wordpress blog, where I chronicle my prose and poetry in English and Bengali.- My travel scoop for a holiday in South Africa was published in ET Travel Section of Economic Times.- I have undertaken contractual writing assignments such as creating Storyboards for 21 CC Education, Parenting Blog submissions, English/Hindi/Bengali Translations, Audio Transcriptions in English/Hindi, and general content across domains.-I have engaged extensively with Bonobology, a relationships website.-I write widely for India’s leading Parenting Website MomspreRead More...


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Sunny Side Up

Books by Eleena Sanyal Banerji

Stories in Sunny Side Up are inspired by the humdrum lives of five very ordinary women. The author takes the readers through their rollercoaster journey eliciting mixed emotions. Though their lives aren’t linked, there is a common thread that connects their circumstances. It lies in their pursuit of happiness. 

Seek and you shall find.



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Tomb in the Womb

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Poetry | Reads: 907 | Likes: 6

I was barely the size of an adult human palm  I will never know why we had done you no harm harm With my eyes still shut in the warmth of her womb Where I thought I'd be safe you made it my tomb As she bit into the fruit it blew up her mouth  Her jaw exploded there was pain throughout S  Read More...

Published on Jun 6,2020 12:02 PM

Live Carefree

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Poetry | Reads: 403 | Likes: 1

To leave my kids a planet safe What we do right now is key For plastic-free animal guts And water running free Glaciers that will stop melting And we’ll have many more trees Switch off when you leave the room Please save electricity Slash carbon footprints Using renewable energy Reduce, reuse   Read More...

Published on Jun 3,2020 11:08 AM

They are my Parents

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in General Literary | Reads: 652 | Likes: 6

"Nose is just like her Father's!" said Ruchi, carefully filling out the circle of the bright, red bindi. "Come on, just look at the black, silky hair and those big, round eyes. Ditto Mother" quipped Niti, while applying the kajal. They were giving finishing touches to Prapti's bridal make-up.    Read More...

Published on May 30,2020 11:19 PM


By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Poetry | Reads: 1,269 | Likes: 10

The sun shone bright on the railway track The gravel grey and dry  This path would take us home very soon No one could now deny They shoved the breads inside their shirts I did the same with mine My child and man, all those that starved We would eat them all next time Weary of the hot, long wal  Read More...

Published on May 17,2020 11:40 AM


By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Thriller | Reads: 703 | Likes: 1

His head bobbed on the waves. It shone in the golden light of the sun setting over the horizon. He was too far away. As always. He never listened. He could swim but oceans were meant to swallow. She was a better swimmer yet she feared going that far inside. The coast guard's shrill whistle pierced h  Read More...

Published on May 3,2020 10:50 PM

Have Dinner With Us

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in General Literary | Reads: 889 | Likes: 4

The doorbell rang.  I wiped the torrents of perspiration sliding down the sides of my face with the back of my hand. I peeped into the video doorphone monitor. She was bending over a walking stick.  I switched off the gas and rubbed my hands on my apron. It turned white with atta (flour).   Read More...

Published on May 3,2020 02:07 AM

Pest Control

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Thriller | Reads: 764 | Likes: 7

I was totally weary after repeated bombardments. Could barely steady my head over the shoulders. These chemical smells made me dizzy. I felt slow and woebegone. They were still and lifeless. It broke my heart to see the unborn children in my family die in such quick succession. Didn't they deserve a  Read More...

Published on Apr 28,2020 06:05 PM

I swing

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Poetry | Reads: 968 | Likes: 6

I swing and I feel the pregnant pause Of a world that was buzzing with chaos The green lawn that had kids running all around Only busy flocks of pigeons today there I found They must have wondered where all of us went They know not that all human rules now lay bent I swing in my office calls, I hear  Read More...

Published on Apr 25,2020 12:31 PM

Chicken Cutlet

By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in General Literary | Reads: 1,354 | Likes: 8

Chicken Cutlet They all made a beeline to the ATM. Rukmini stood behind at least a dozen. A gnarled old man lay next to the bus stop in rags. A dirty, long beard grew out of his face. He smiled faintly at her in drunken stupor. The man standing inside the deeply air-conditioned kiosk withdrew cash   Read More...

Published on Mar 28,2020 10:59 AM

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