Hridhya preman

Word weaver!
Word weaver!

“Being in a firm hard profession , I abandoned my passion many years ago. But when life turned chaotic , I holded up my breath through my writings. I went back in search of my passion which i once abandoned. And That's how an author in me took birth to let my passion fly high.”Read More...


The Obscure Melodies

Books by Hridhya Preman

People say stars look beautiful only because they are far away from us but that’s not really true he looked terrifically beautiful even when met in near. Yes, once I got a million dollar opportunity to meet my favorite star whom I always wished for.

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Wings undone

Books by Hridhya Preman

A story of womenhood from a women, on a women! Hashini, The only daughter of an orthodox family with her wings of wisdom Undones all the strings of inequalities tangled on her. Look on to her becoming a winged butterfly from her cocoon in this tale of 'wings undone'.

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Lessons to be Unquarentined !

By Hridhya preman in True Story | Reads: 955 | Likes: 2

Lessons to be Unquarentined ! January 7 2020, On this day the sun that had set down from china hasn’t still risen up in any other countries of world. Lives are paused, countries are closed, streets are locked down, Humans are quarantined! Covid-19 is been ruling the entire earth and we being h  Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 10:09 PM

And i fell in love, With a dream!

By Hridhya preman in Fantasy | Reads: 720 | Likes: 6

“AND I FELL IN LOVE, WITH A DREAM!” From the rise of Rufus sun to the kiss of moonlight, we run, run and run. Some run for reality and some for dreams while there are some paranormal kind of humans who run from realities to dreams. Well, I belong to those kind of humans. Somewhere in bet  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 11:53 PM

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