Aneeza Abeer

The expedition from being a writer to an Author was not so good but it was full of experiences and lessons.
The expedition from being a writer to an Author was not so good but it was full of experiences and lessons.


The Mid Ocean

Books by Aneeza Abeer

In this book , Aneeza has provided the experience of answers and questions through the layers of the self assumptions, rejoinder and responses.

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Culpability or an Essence?

Books by Aneeza Abeer

Anamta, who is fighting with her own essence because of the negativity around her since she was of 15. Whenever she thinks it's all bygone and she is clear conscience, something strange happens to her.People blames her for the things she didn't even know about. The question is whether it was in her nature or it was her mistake..? Will she ever overcome the negativities that surround the essence around her?

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The Voice Of Soul

Books by Aneeza Abeer

The book contain poetries that will help people relate at some points.The author tried her level best to make you understand what life is all about. The author tries to elaborate what she reacts and how she overcome to different phases of life when thing changes so sudden and she don't even understand what actually happened..


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