
A dreamer, observer, storyteller, lover
A dreamer, observer, storyteller, lover


My Dear Supermoon...

Books by Herteddy

Whenever you will be reading this. I want to let you know that I will be there infront of you seeing you. Enjoying your smile & Looking at your glaceful face. Holding your hands tightly. For today tomorrow and always.

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You're their only gemstone so please stay home

By Herteddy in Poetry | Reads: 587 | Likes: 1

There's a storm outside, so please stay inside This time will fly soon But I request all it's passengers to stay home You are the apple of your loved one's eyes Please don't go outside It's healthy for them too if you stay home Even if you've been wandering always Just for a while isolate yoursel  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 11:37 PM

After the thunderous night

By Herteddy in Poetry | Reads: 2,880 | Likes: 1

After the thunderous night & all those storm The sea is still  It's like a liquid mirror; Moments before  In the middle of storm I couldn't even see the sky, But now I don't even have to look up And I can see the falling stars; Moments before  I would have disappeared, But now I'm  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 11:30 PM

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