Tripura M VIthala


Ace Your As Levels - Chemistry

Books by Tripura M Vithala

Ace Your As Levels - Chemistry is the second book in the series to help AS levels students prepare for their AS Level examinations. I have discovered during my exam preparation for AS Levels that not all chemical reactions are listed in the text books, and I needed to supplement the missing formulas deriving on my own. Ace Your AS Levels - Chemistry consolidates much needed formulae with helpful hints and solved problems. This book is a study guide to he

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Ace Your AS Levels - Physics

Books by Tripura M Vithala

Ace Your AS Levels - Physics is a consolidated study guide with needed formulas, tips and sample problems to ace your exams. I have discovered during my exam preparation for AS Levels that there were few pieces missing from my text books and needed to supplement my knowledge to understand concepts and solve problems. I have written this book to bridge that gap along with few tips and tricky sample problems that can help students ace their AS levels. That

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