anusha suryavanshi

Researcher of Material Electronics, embeded system, micro controllers, VLSI and Undergraduate Students
Researcher of Material Electronics, embeded system, micro controllers, VLSI and Undergraduate Students

Miss Anusha Suryavanshi project associate an under graduate student of E&C (Electronics and Communication Department). Synthesized several hybrid pervoskite nanocomposites and studied for their electronic properties. Her area of interest if Organic Photovoltaic Materials, Organic semiconductors, Field effect transistors, development of smart materials etc. Fluorescene and Electrochemical biosensors development of novel molecules, their property studies etc. Mainly she is working in the field of organic semiconductors, transistors, diodes and their utilization in the devices, development oRead More...


Electronic Properties of Rare Earth Nanomaterials-Concise and Novel Approach

Books by Dr. Vinayak Adimule, Miss Anusha S Suryavanshi

The work describes about the in detail and the use different nano composites of Sr, Co and Y and their applications related to fabrication of the CMOS Perovskite, synthesis and electrical, electronic properties of the fabricated device. These perovskite nanocomposites are synthesized by co precipitation method using suitable surfactants and the different compositional hybrid materials are prepared, characterized by SEM, HRTEM, XRD and other related spectroscopic

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AMBA-AHB Architecture in VLSI Design

Books by Anusha Suryavanshi, Dr. Vinayak Adimule

The work describes about the AMBA-AHB architecture in detail and the use of AMBA in ASIC design, applications related to fabrication of the CMOS and synthesis of the fabricated device. The APB architecture is well used in the process of read and writes methods of debug of the system and the verification has been carried out using Verilog HDL. The different multiple split transfer buses are used in the conversion of output signals using the verification method and

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anusha suryavanshi's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

anusha suryavanshi

Researcher of Material Electronics, embeded system, micro controllers, VLSI and Undergraduate Students
Researcher of Material Electronics, embeded system, micro controllers, VLSI and Undergraduate Students

Miss Anusha Suryavanshi project associate an under graduate student of E&C (Electronics and Communication Department). Synthesized several hybrid pervoskite nanocomposites and studied for their electronic properties. Her area of interest if Organic Photovoltaic Materials, Organic semiconductors, Field effect transistors, development of smart materials etc. Fluorescene and Electrochemical biosensors development of novel molecules, their property studies etc. Mainly she is working in the field of organic semiconductors, transistors, diodes and their utilization in the devices, development oRead More...


Electronic Properties of Rare Earth Nanomaterials-Concise and Novel Approach

Books by Dr. Vinayak Adimule, Miss Anusha S Suryavanshi

The work describes about the in detail and the use different nano composites of Sr, Co and Y and their applications related to fabrication of the CMOS Perovskite, synthesis and electrical, electronic properties of the fabricated device. These perovskite nanocomposites are synthesized by co precipitation method using suitable surfactants and the different compositional hybrid materials are prepared, characterized by SEM, HRTEM, XRD and other related spectroscopic

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AMBA-AHB Architecture in VLSI Design

Books by Anusha Suryavanshi, Dr. Vinayak Adimule

The work describes about the AMBA-AHB architecture in detail and the use of AMBA in ASIC design, applications related to fabrication of the CMOS and synthesis of the fabricated device. The APB architecture is well used in the process of read and writes methods of debug of the system and the verification has been carried out using Verilog HDL. The different multiple split transfer buses are used in the conversion of output signals using the verification method and

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