Bhavana Sanon


Most Un-ladylike

Books by Bhavana Sanon

This book contains short chapters pertaining to women’s issues and what it means to be a woman in a man’s world. It is designed as a wake-up call for the younger generation providing evidence that the approach to women needs to change. This book is as much for men as it for women. Topics such as bursting the beauty myth, issues on empowerment, our lost of voices, the power of the word ‘no’ and gender disparity are covered in these chapt

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Unhappily Ever After.

Books by Bhavana Sanon

This book hopes to revisit the Fairytales that we all grew up reading, the one’s that started with ‘Once upon a time’ and ended with ‘ …and they lived happily ever after’. The author attempts to point out some disturbing points that might have skipped us altogether. This might just be a helpful tool in helping us realize what lies beneath the surface of a seemingly harmless story. We could begin by trying to change the text so that future generations

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Mundane Musings of a Misunderstood Mind

Books by Bhavana Sanon

As the name suggests, these are snippets of the things that play on the author’s mind; whether it is an oddity of society or a thought that randomly lingers a little longer than usual. You can call it creative writing or just mini tirade’s. They are just free flowing expressions with no beginning and no foreseeable end.

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Deliriously Yours

Books by Bhavana Sanon

This is a collection of poems that are concise and honest in their approach. They don’t preach, they simply are. Within the poems there is a thread of naivety that tugs at you, whilst at the same time there is a sense of worldliness and depth that balances everything out. All age groups can relate to it because it transcends geographical boundaries and deals with basic human emotions. It is designed to make you think, to inspire you and lift you from you

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#I'm Not Sorry

Books by Bhavana Sanon

These are a series of short essays on topics ranging from gender equality, education, self-love and various other aspects that have a direct impact on our daily lives. This book, as the title suggests, is about being true to yourself and others, while being able to stand your ground. Any resemblance to a person living or deceased is purely coincidental.

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Live a Little

Books by Bhavana Sanon

This book contains a series of pithy observations, they are not in any particular order – just a collection of random thoughts that the author has compiled over the years and wishes to share with the reader. The ‘Life Lessons’ mentioned are points to ponder, at times, of ever changing moments that take us by surprise and our reactions to circumstances. Original cover artwork by Bhavana Sanon.

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Unapologetically Opinionated

Books by Bhavana Sanon

This book is an irreverent and somewhat cynical look at the urban life of the upper middle class in New Delhi, where a mirror is held to the quirks and eccentricities of this unique breed. It is an attempt to provide an insider’s account of a society whose aspirations at times outstrip their inherent abilities. It is in no way meant to offend anyone; on the contrary, the author is aware that she herself has been guilty of so many of these things, being a produc

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Light in the time of darkness

By Bhavana Sanon in General Literary | Reads: 336 | Likes: 0

This short essay is my perspective on the current world situation with the outbreak of Covid-19. Yes, it is disturbing and deadly and it has thrown the mightiest of us on our knees and locked us up like animals in a cage (for a change) fighting for survival; but the world is changing and in some asp  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 01:04 PM

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