

Sattvic Menu

Books by Priyanka Nateri

Does food taste insipid in the absence of onion and garlic? Not at all, Sattvic recipes are great not only for their taste but also involve less fuss in preparing and require minimal equipment. The word 'Sattvic' is derived from the Sanskrit word Sattva (meaning light, pure). Sattvic Menu explores simple and freshly cooked vegetarian food that places emphasis on wholesome nourishment of body and mind. This little book is an honest effort to share recipes that sp

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Twisty Tales

Books by Aditya Vikram Kumar

'Twisty Tales', a 15 page vividly illustrated short story collection delves into humour, emotions and interesting twists. From a simple story on an undeterred raindrop to a poignant story of a deer, an endearing tale of a kettle and a funny misadventure of a doctor, the collection is fun to read. Written by a tweenager, each story accompanies delightful illustrations that capture the imagination of the reader.

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