Shreesh Sawant

An avid reader and writer of the weird and the grotesque. 15. Influenced by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.
An avid reader and writer of the weird and the grotesque. 15. Influenced by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.


Soaring Below.

By Shreesh Sawant in Fantasy | Reads: 4,669 | Likes: 5

The sun had drowned in the sea of dolour, and the waves of desolation crashed against my soul with great vigour. The canvas filled my eyes with its perturbing paint and its shapes of despondency. It depicted a Melpomene ensemble, which filled me with pity, and above the saddening masques stood death  Read More...

Published on Oct 24,2022 11:12 PM

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