Tahira parween

Software developer
Software developer


Every memory reminds her because of him

Books by Tahira Parween


Just go out , meet new guys , have fun , life isn't meant to stagnate for just one man . Afterall ,you are too young for commitments. Its just that simple . All you need to do is simply forget all his memories ,its easy !'' This was what her ears had constantly heard from past 1 year. She was taught to forget and basically replace him. And the one telling her this were saying from their experience . They were right at their part . But I beg to d

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बीती यादें

Books by ताहिरा परवीन

किताब ography बिट्टी यादिन ’, एक आत्मकथा एक भावनात्मक थ्रिलर है। कहानी शमा के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जो एक दिन शाब्दिक रूप से पुरुषों से मिलती है, जिनके साथ उसका रिश्ता आज तक भी बेकार है

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Every memory reminds her because of him

By Tahira parween in Mystery | Reads: 826 | Likes: 1

Just go out , meet  new guys , have fun , life isn't meant to stagnate for just  one man . Afterall ,you are too young for commitments. Its just that simple . All you need to do is simply forget all his memories ,its easy !'' This was what her ears had constantly  heard from past 1 ye  Read More...

Published on Apr 23,2020 07:48 PM

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