Asha Kumari


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हरियाणा की ग्रामीण कला- खोज एवं पुनरुद्धार

Books by डॉ आशा कुमारी

लेखिका डॉ. आशा कुमारी द्वारा लिखी गई यह पुस्तक हरियाणा की समृद्ध ग्रामीण कला और परंपराओं की एक अद्वितीय यात्रा है। इसमें हरियाणा के गांवों में पनपने वाली लोककला, हस्तशिल्प और स

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हरियाणा की ग्रामीण कला- खोज एवं पुनरुद्धार

Books by डॉ आशा कुमारी

लेखिका डॉ. आशा कुमारी द्वारा लिखी गई यह पुस्तक हरियाणा की समृद्ध ग्रामीण कला और परंपराओं की एक अद्वितीय यात्रा है। इसमें हरियाणा के गांवों में पनपने वाली लोककला, हस्तशिल्प और स

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Coloring ArtBook

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Coloring Artbook : Ancient Hindu Civilisation is first Artwork of Dr. Asha Kumari for presenting the beauty of Anceint Hindu culture and religion. This book contains drawings of hindu holy symbols, holy trees, prasad, Vahana, musical intruments and weapons of Gods and Goddesses. Kids will enjoy filling these and ask stories related to the drawings. Even grown ups can fill feel this drawing book who love art.  

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The Menstrual Mythbuster

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Menstrual Mythbuster by Dr. Asha Kumari is a groundbreaking exploration of the myths, taboos, and misconceptions surrounding menstruation. In this meticulously researched book, Dr. Kumari delves into the practices, beliefs, and dietary recommendations that have been passed down through generations, many of which lack a scientific foundation.

With a sharp focus on evidence-based analysis, Menstrual Mythbuster challenges long-held assumptions and provide

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The Menstrual Mythbuster

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Menstrual Mythbuster by Dr. Asha Kumari is a groundbreaking exploration of the myths, taboos, and misconceptions surrounding menstruation. In this meticulously researched book, Dr. Kumari delves into the practices, beliefs, and dietary recommendations that have been passed down through generations, many of which lack a scientific foundation.

With a sharp focus on evidence-based analysis, Menstrual Mythbuster challenges long-held assumptions and provide

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Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Mosaic- The Verses of Life, is a collection of eighteen poems related to myriad aspects of life. The author has penned poems full of philosophy, hope, and motivation. Written in very simple language, the poems are easy to understand but possess deep meaning. Poems like Transformer, One Morning, I Lost My Religion, Kentsugi, and Perspectives will leave your neurons refreshed with some thoughts echoing for a very long time. Hope you enjoy the work. 

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चित्रकला : हरियाणा की झलक

Books by डॉ आशा कुमारी

चित्रकला : हरियाणा की झलक" उत्तर भारतीय राज्य हरियाणा की समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत और प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का अनुभव करने का एक अनूठा तरीका प्रदान करती है। यह रंगीन पुस्तक न केवल कल

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Downfall of Ayurveda in Colonial Rule

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Ayurveda, the ancient holistic medicine of Bharata is yet to get the respect it deserves. This books unveils the denigration of Ayurveda during the British rule in India. Why it is important ? Any science which can be helpful for mankind should not be ignored by reasons other than scientific rationality. Ayurveda, being the medical system of colony of East India Company was ridiculed and restricted. By understanding the remarkable impact of Political, financia

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Coloring ArtBook

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Coloring Artbook : Ancient Hindu Civilisation is first Artwork of Dr. Asha Kumari for presenting the beauty of Anceint Hindu culture and religion. This book contains drawings of hindu holy symbols, holy trees, prasad, Vahana, musical intruments and weapons of Gods and Goddesses. Kids will enjoy filling these and ask stories related to the drawings. Even grown ups can fill feel this drawing book who love art.  

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Kids Colouring Book

Books by Dr. Asha Kumari

Ancient Hindu Civilisation was an epitome of philosophy, science, art and literature. Kids should be exposed to this wonder at an early age with the art. This book presents drawing of ancient holy symbols like OM and holy trees. Vahan, prasad, musical instruments and weapons of some Gods and Goddesses are included for raising curiosity among young minds. I wish the kids will ask the stories behind each of drawings. 

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