Drishya Anil

My tatoo!!!

By Drishya Anil in True Story | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0

Tring...Tring.... My phone rang,Ya it was you who called me after watching that old movie which potrayed siblings love during your quarantine days,to say to me something!!!Your words went straight into my heart...I think somehow my eyes got to find that and a salty water stream was going down my che  Read More...

Published on May 17,2020 12:43 AM


By Drishya Anil in Supernatural | Reads: 484 | Likes: 1

Her throat went dry...with a purse mouth and sighing she moved towards the door steps...She just heard those fearfully words spoken to her mom..."Just 2 more week is left for her".Her body responded its grief with few drops of blood from her nose!!! She just wiped it...entered the room and  loo  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 01:13 AM

Braille Script

By Drishya Anil in General Literary | Reads: 539 | Likes: 1

My hands moved through the books in the library.My fingers got struck to a unique book,it was a Braille Script.I was excited to see it for the first time,I opened the book with all its curiosity,moved my fingers through the projected prints.Later on I went home and slept at night.The next morning wh  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 12:58 AM

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