Retired Principal Scientist, Agriculture Research Service, ICAR. (Govt. of India)
Retired Principal Scientist, Agriculture Research Service, ICAR. (Govt. of India)

Born in Tiruchirapalli (India) in 1951, educated in English medium schools and college. Securing First Rank Gold medal in University of Madras for Masters in Plant Sciences in 1974. Was Research Fellow in Carnatic Flora Project from 1975 - 78. And later awarded Doctorate in 1987 when working as Scientist at Central Arid zone Research Institute, Jodhpur.   From 1978 -2013, was Principal Scientist of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Total 39 years of Research work in Economic plants  and Genetic resources of crops and fruits. Published 78 research papers, chapters in 7 books, 12 booksRead More...


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INDIA-the Other Side

Books by Alphonse Amalraj Viswasam PhD.

 India, a nation with extremes like extremely rich and extremely poor; a nation of great Economic power but with poor economic condition of the common man; In the eyes of the advanced western world, India is seen as a most populated, diverse (in race, caste, language, culture, customs, food, climate, etc), technologically advanced (as in space research), economically powerful, religious, democratic country. But then why do the younger generation wish to e

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Books by Alphonse Amalraj Viswasam

 Religious conversion is the most studied aspect of religion by psychologists of religion, but there is still very little actual data available. We all tend to follow and practise the religion in which we are born. Converting a person to another religion is not as easy. A person has to feel that there is something fundamentally incorrect about their current religion. Conversion involves conscious decision making based on intellectual exploration or i

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Books by Alphonse Amalraj Viswasam

The most famous scientist Albert Einstein once said, “Religion without science is crippled, while science without religion is lame.” Science states that Universe and earth with life evolved in billions of years, while religions say that God created universe, life on earth and finally human being. Evolution needs scientific proofs and Creation needs on religious faith. The theory of Big Bang that explains origin of Universe and Darwin's theory on Or

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Three Greatest Saints and their Greatest Miracles

Books by Alphonse Amalraj Viswasam Ph D.

Saints are persons in heaven who lived virtuous lives, offered their life for others, or were martyred for the faith. More than 10,000 saints recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Christians venerate the saints. Many find comfort in the knowledge that these holy people shared in their same struggles, sins, doubts, or hardships and ask specific saints to pray for them. Though all the saints are great in one way or other, in my opinion, I consider St. Antony,

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Discovering the Real Jesus...

Books by Alphonse A. Viswasam

Even today, Jesus is misunderstood and remains a controversial figure. To know the real Jesus would include the fact that what He really taught and what He really did. The record of His life, His teaching and His supernatural miracles as recorded in the four Gospel accounts have come into scrutiny and question in many ways. Many atheists and authors have attempted to investigate in order to disprove His claim and miracles have finally ended in believing Him! H

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Books by Alphonse A. Viswasam

Why are only very few people successful in life? How to be successful in life? Just what is success and real success? The only ways to success is not a copyrighted formula being sold for price. One of the most important key steps to achieve success in life is to know the meaning of success for your personal life. Many end up in failure. Why? There are definite causes. Real SUCCESS is governed by seven definite laws and if know and apply them, success is assure

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Why Humanity is unable to solve its Problems?

Books by Alphonse A. Viswasam Ph.d.

What are the greatest problems facing mankind today and who is responsible for the increasing problems with the bad effects they are causing?  Are you not horrified by the exponential increase in the loss of human values and freedom, social chaos, refugee migrants,pollution, loss of spiritualism, war crimes, etc ? To understand why these are happening, it may be worth going back to find how Suffering originated, in Biblical point of view. Just as then, ev

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Live a Healthy 100

Books by Alphonse A. Viswasam Ph.d.

The greatest wealth is health. Lose your health, you lose everything in life. Your physical and mental conditions greatly depend on a healthy lifestyle. We all want to live a healthy, long and fulfilling life. Fast food is the ‘fastest way to grave’. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations of healthy living. A third book in the three-book series on food, medicine and health, this book is meant for those who wish to liv

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Books by V. Alphonse Amalraj Ph.d.

Plants are known to synthesize hundreds of chemical compounds for functions like defence against pests, internal and external pathogens, diseases and herbivores. Numerous phytochemicals with biological activity have been identified. In modern medicine, around a quarter of the drugs prescribed to patients are derived from medicinal plants after clinical trials in animals and human subjects for efficacy and side effects. Some of the findings have led to the prod

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Books by V. Alphonse Amalraj Ph.D

‘Father of Medicine’ Hippocrates (460-370BC) stated: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. This book strives to explain in detail as to ‘How Food can be the best Medicine’. The importance of food in both causing and relieving physical ailments is known.  The “food as medicine” philosophy of Hippocrates had been largely neglected, with modern food culture and habits. What you choose to eat has

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