Sagar Bisht

I Write.
I Write.


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To Do List Notebook

Books by My Diary

"It Feels Good to Check Things Off Your To-Do List"

Life, broadly speaking, is one big To-Do List.

Keep up with your life by recording your priorities for all to see! Writing something down is a powerful motivator and reminder. Just the physical act of putting pencil on paper helps you form a specific memory and intention. With the strong magnet backing, your To-Do list will feature prominently on your refrigerator, hallway mirror, school locke

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The Art of Hacking

Books by

Zero to One cyber security eBook contains in depth guide for becoming a cyber security expert . The newcomers faces many challenges while starting cyber security and ethical hacking career. This eBook first helps you get adopted with a hacker’s mindset and then guides you on how you can be the next cybersecurity expert and a professional hacker.

This book covers:

How hackers work and their mindset.
In-depth knowledge on different tec

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My Pandemic Experience Journal

Books by 558

These are not very good times. But We can make it good by doing what we can. Our days at home quarantined We can write down our experience, How We are dealing with this, How the world is now, How people around you are behaving. You can write Positive words and things you are grateful for even in these times. To Remain Positive and Calm instead of Panicking, which is very important for everyone's shake.Moreover, Someday in future your grandchildren or you can r

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Class 12 Grammar

Books by Raga S.

About the book :

Class 12 Grammar Book is a very long and hard Collaborative effort by Raga S, The Man Behind Teach Me Guru and 558, who is a writer by profession. 

Class 12 English Grammar is the one and the only book available in the market that teaches you the grammar you need to ace your CBSE Examination. Written By Raga S. with assistance from 558, This CBSE Grammar book for class 12 covers all the Questions from Writing and Reading s

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