A M Metilda


You can follow her on her blog princessofjesusblog.wordpress.com              


Sunday class at home

Books by A.m.metilda

This book is an activity book which has positive affirmations from the Bible with colorful illustrations and Bible stories. Every Chapter has its own exercises and activities which will keep the kids occupied and they will learn Bible concepts.

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இருளில் ஒளி

Books by அ.மோ.மெட்டில்டா

கடவுள் தன் உயிரை விட நம்மை அதிகமாக நேசிக்கிறார்.

சில சமயங்களில் நமது பிரச்சனைகள், கஷ்டங்களில், இன்னல்கள் போன்றவற்றைக் காணும்போது, ​​கடவுள் நம்மை மறந்துவிட்டார், கடவுளு

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Praise God

Books by A.m.metilda

When you read this book, you must never think this happens only for a “Christian” or because my family or I have more faith. Because both are wrong, God listens to anyone who asks Him for help, God will hear anyone who seeks Him with faith. We are like you with less faith, but Jesus is the beginner and the perfecter of our faith.

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உன்னத அனுபவங்கள்

Books by அ.மோ.மெட்டில்டா

உன்னத அனுபவங்கள் என்பது 15 கதைகளின் தொகுப்பாகும், இதில் பல்வேறு சூழ்நிலைகளில் கடவுள் தம் ஊழியர்களுக்கு எவ்வாறு உதவினார் என்பதை நீங்கள் படித்து புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியும்.

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15 Inspiring Stories

Books by A. M. Metilda

"15 Inspiring Stories - short stories from around the world" is a set of 15 stories, a small booklet that you can carry wherever you go and you can read it in your own space. You can read and understand how God helped His servants in various situations.

God uses each and every person in a unique way. 

These 15 short stories are real and they took place in different time periods, at different locations in the lives of apostles, evangelists,

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Her inner beauty

Books by A.m.metilda

As a young girl or a middle-aged woman, we may face many problems because of the term 'beauty.' The world hails beauty and everyone likes it. What does beauty, mean to God?

What is written in the Holy Bible about beauty? Do we need to care about it?

What should one do in the struggle for beauty?  Let us go with the guidance of God through this book and know what is in His heart. You can learn how to overcome the criticisms and how to chang

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அவர் இயேசு

Books by அ.மோ.மெட்டில்டா

இயேசு கிறிஸ்துவுக்குள், என் அன்பான சகோதர சகோதரிகளே, நீங்கள் உண்மையான அன்பைத் தேடுகிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் முழுமையாக நம்பக்கூடிய ஒரு தூய அன்பிற்காக ஒரு ஏக்கமும் தேடலும் கொண்டவர்

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Love, that i cannot deny

By A M Metilda in Poetry | Reads: 454 | Likes: 1

My dear, love is more powerful  And i dont know how to express it, But I know how you love me. It is pure and selfless, It was you who first expressed your love to me, You waited for me everyday, And you drew near me and said "I Love you, and it is forever" I said, Is this true?  you replied, i am  Read More...

Published on Feb 20,2021 07:44 AM

Sometimes, it is good to be silent

By A M Metilda in General Literary | Reads: 296 | Likes: 0

Words are powerful! Yet, Silence is also important. Sometimes it is good to shut our mouth, our emotions, our feelings so that God can take control of our situation. I read a quote by someone who said, "It is best to stay quiet, the silence can speak volumes without ever saying a word." How true it   Read More...

Published on Jul 25,2020 07:18 PM

Be yourself!!!

By A M Metilda in General Literary | Reads: 255 | Likes: 0

It is difficult to be real; I am sure of this. Sometimes we may be in sorrow, but we won't show it and disguise ourselves in the peak of happiness, even if we cry, we will hide it from others  This happens, but God sees your tears, he will surely wipe them away.  Psalm:56:8 You have taken   Read More...

Published on Jun 19,2020 07:31 AM

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