Anita Roy


By Anita Roy in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0

The monotony of the day Nothing interest meI stare into the darkness The dusty path with street lights burning Lay abandoned, except for the occasional vehicles speeding to unknown destinations My mind wanders without a leash How long did i sit there stringing intrusive thoughts Drawing pictures in   Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 01:51 PM


By Anita Roy in Poetry | Reads: 815 | Likes: 0

Solitude is bliss they sayI know it's a myth Here I am ,looking at the clouds that weave stories from the touch of windtrying to enjoy my solitude But ,alas the longing for laughter and chatter driving me crazy and they say solitude is bliss The eerie silence of the words unborn The longing of the w  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 01:47 PM

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