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Books by जेनी ग्रिगलानी

इस पत्र-संग्रह में लेखिका ने एक रिश्ते के टूटने पर अधूरे जज़्बातों का जो सफ़र दोनों लोग कुछ वक्त तक करते हैं, उनमें से एक तरफ़ का हिस्सा पेश किया है । ये जज़्बातों का रोलर-कोस्टर क

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Long drives and radio

By Jenny in Poetry | Reads: 722 | Likes: 0

your car would honk exactly 4 minutes later than our agreed time,  you said it was your parallel  to my secret recipe that made you love me the way I want and also, you loved playing the edges: 5 minutes would break chivalry. precision is one thing that can be as beautiful  only in your conduct,  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 01:06 AM


By Jenny in Poetry | Reads: 250 | Likes: 0

Even today,  I wait for my phone to ring thrice before picking it up,  as if you are on your way  to the balcony,  when I'd run till the room and walk softly till I reach 7 feet from your hands. somedays I'd roam around the house till Chachiji ends her gossip with 'Chhodo humein kya karna!', s  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 01:05 AM

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