Hemanth Karicharla

Author | Writer
Author | Writer

Hemanth is an evolution of journey from careless to responsible. I learnt and I'm still learning many things from my life. I treat myself as a continuous learner. Through this wonderful journey, I underwent many transformations and struggled a lot to be a complete man. "What I'm today" is undoubtedly originated from "What I was yesterday." So, my only aim is to share the lessons I learnt, with you through my writings. Besides, my motto is to represent the different issues that are badly morphing our Mother India.  Read More...


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Beyond the Comfort Zone

Books by Hemanth Karicharla

"Beyond The Comfort Zone" is a transformative guidebook that celebrates the unique qualities of introverts while empowering them to thrive in a predominantly extroverted world. Delving into the definitions and characteristics of introversion and extroversion, this book offers practical strategies for navigating social situations, developing social skills, and embracing solitude. It explores the power of introversion, highlighting strengths such as deep

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Let Me Poke Your Mind!

Books by Hemanth Karicharla

This book is for sharing my views on various issues that are happening regularly around us. In addition to that, I want to share the inspiration I got at different stages in my life.

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Books by Hemanth Karicharla

‘MAA’ and ‘SWECHA’ together is all about the struggles and difficulties that are faced by our Indian Women in the society. The MAA represents all the mothers of India that means all the women in India. As their Son, their brother and their friend I’m addressing many issues that are haunting the women on behalf of them, through this story. I tried my best to cover various shades of their lives and various challenges they ar

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Maa (B&W Edition)

Books by Hemanth Karicharla

Writer's Voice: The 'Motto' behind writing "Maa" This story, "Maa" is written, based on the events that happen around me, around you and so around us. This is the story of every mother. This is very special and close to my heart. Because, this is my anguish, anguish for so many days. Actually, this is the Anguish of every Indian Mother. "Maa" represents all the mothers and the pain of all the mothers of India. So, I'm writing this for a greater cause but not f

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What lies in your eyes...

By Hemanth Karicharla in Poetry | Reads: 365 | Likes: 0

Oh my dear! What lies in your eyes... They can make everyone Mesmerize! They are so Spacious and Glorious... Maybe it is the reflection of the light of your natural smile which comes from your Honest Heart! They can speak and make others Speechless! Oh my dear! There is some Void filled in my He  Read More...

Published on Apr 26,2020 08:44 PM

The Last Night

By Hemanth Karicharla in Romance | Reads: 381 | Likes: 0

The Last Night - A Successful Love Story! Chola Street, Varsha Towers, 8:45 pm Dithi is sitting near the study table in her room. She is switching on and off the study lamp continuously and thinking deep about something. Her father is scolding her from the living room, but she is simply ignoring h  Read More...

Published on Apr 26,2020 12:16 PM

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