Prabir Sarkar

The Death of my Best Friend

By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 486 | Likes: 0

It was our four year friend-versary. And he came to visit me. What is impossible in this world? Here, everything is possible virtually. Technology brings far ones close and sends closer ones far. Same happened with me. I met Krish in Facebook, four years back. We chat since then. I was in my 10th   Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 11:01 PM

I Love Myself

By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 371 | Likes: 0

I find the girl attractive I am looking at right now. She is as old as I am. Stunningly beautiful, charming, exquisite, attractive, sexy. Just like me. Wait doesn't all these words mean the similar? Even if they do, it's worthy to use all of them together as I loved her. I loved the girl my gaze is  Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 10:56 PM


By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0

I woke up in an unknown place. A place which was too new for me. Kind of a habit now, I remained in the bed, but fumbled to search for my phone first. Like a swimmer, I clumsily moved my hands in the bed, struggling to find my phone. My eyes still half closed, with the blanket of sleep, which wants  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 03:09 PM

You Are Immortal

By Prabir Sarkar in Horror | Reads: 481 | Likes: 1

I was left isolated in a prison. It was somewhere far from the busy world, somewhere in the midst of a deserted island. My husband left me here. The rich bastard was committing adultery without my consent and on being caught, he did this to me. He didn't want a divorce as I would get inheritance ove  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 10:46 PM

Death of my beloved

By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0

And here it ended. It ended like it shouldn't have been. All this while, till this very day, I have been imagining myself counting my last breath and you come running to me with tears in your eyes begging me to not leave you. I imagined myself asking you to keep my head on your laps and while you di  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 10:44 PM

Make me an Addict

By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 330 | Likes: 0

It is so hard to erase her off my mind. In those years with her, I got addicted to her. Like an addict take sweets after inhaling cocaine to get rid of his senses, I needed her to get rid of my worries. Like human eye finds peace in the color green, my eyes found peace in her. Her touch was the spar  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 10:42 PM


By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 509 | Likes: 0

They say the moon is beautiful. But you were my moon. Do you remember, we were having late night conversation and you told me that you wished I was with you. We would not make love, but you would lean on my chest instead, listening to my heart shouting your name in each and every beat, and stare the  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 10:40 PM

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