Saba Saleem

Author And Editor
Author And Editor

Saba Saleem is a foreign language lecturer (Delhi University), a translator, a dynamic and reformed well-being in the research field. She continues her approach to be successful and keeps up enthusiastic and innovative realities. Read More...


Asian Matter!

Books by Saba Saleem

The education as longer as produces knowledge for betterment, the affinity itself confirms its existence that produces vision for one’s benefit. This MUST HAVE book is one of the author's hard core achievement. The Educational environment, which has become everyone’s daily routine need at regional and international level. The mutual understanding that impact over sustainability, knowledge society always represents significance and define the curriculum dec

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의궤 - 한국 사회적인 생활

By Saba Saleem in General Literary | Reads: 733 | Likes: 0

의궤는 한국의 일상 생활과 문화의 양식에 담긴 행사들의 왕실 기록이다. 그것은 소묘들과 그림들의 예들을 가지고 있다. 그것들은 생생하게 한국문화를 보여준다. 한국문화에서 미래 세대를 위해 보존된 것이다. 의궤에서 흥  Read More...

Published on May 15,2020 06:16 AM

Earth Concert

By Saba Saleem in General Literary | Reads: 616 | Likes: 0

Nowadays, environmentalist, atmosphere lover, enthusiast are supporting Earth Day for a cause and environmental protection. This is the story of the day of reflection. He (Emmo) represented his chasm and intellect to rest of the world. A busy entity who made a lot of appearances all over the place a  Read More...

Published on May 10,2020 05:52 AM

Yelling Spirit "Ajuma" - Thiruvarur

By Saba Saleem in Sci-fi | Reads: 676 | Likes: 0

The going got tougher. "Ajuma" an aunt, city representative beside hut was helping people on going aisle in Thiruvarur. She spoke "University" and nodded. Gradually, Koreans compare hardships to climbing mountains, and say a long, difficult journey is like going over "99 hills". Life is full of ups   Read More...

Published on Apr 2,2020 01:03 PM

Heart in Envelope

By Saba Saleem in True Story | Reads: 757 | Likes: 0

Heart in Envelope   I was gifted! South Koreans regard gift culture and shows it all about natural gesture much like greeting or interest. It is well said fact that any kind of gesture gifts are called “Tteokgap” i.e. “rice dessert expenses” and these supposedly reflect  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 10:31 AM

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