Fathima Sanna

An Only Magical Potion

By Fathima Sanna in Poetry | Reads: 641 | Likes: 0

There is nothingin this corona-world to do, and I lock myself in a messed up room, sit by the lonely window with my crowded mindof all the troubles, and there I fall, into the tone of wind, the rustling of leaves,the dance of trees, the songs of birds, t  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 07:51 PM

Solitude, not loneliness

By Fathima Sanna in Poetry | Reads: 279 | Likes: 1

This is not lonelinessbut solitude.These are not tearsbut life-giving rain.This is not nightbut knight.When these weedsare not just trashbut armour of environment,why should I feelso worthless?I should not. -Sanna Wren   Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 07:48 PM

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