Abhisek Ghosh (Noel Lorenz)

Publishing from Kolkata and reaching the world.
Publishing from Kolkata and reaching the world.

NLHF is head-quartered in Kolkata, India. Our goal is to reach out to the world and bring out the writer in every human being by presenting an opportunity to write and publish with us. Ink Your Words is our Imprint.Read More...


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सुन मेरे मून, तू मेरा सुकून

Books by सुनीता सुभाष गुप्ता

“सुन मेरे मून, तू मेरा सुकून” ये किताब उन युगल जोड़ों को दर्शाता है जिन्होंने प्यार का एक लंबा सफर साथ में तय किया है। इस किताब में ज़िंदगी में अजनबी से दोस्त बनकर, दोस्त से दिलबर

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Books by Noel Lorenz

Aprilworth is an anthology dedicated to William Wordsworth. It is a collection of literary contributions to world literature by the participants and showing that they are capable of writing on a variety of themes during the World Book Day celebrations at Noel Lorenz House of Fiction (NLHF) on 23-24 April 2023.

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Squares Anthology

Books by Noel Lorenz

Squares Anthology is an initiative by Noel Lorenz to spread awareness about the sweetness of short stories of 22 words, 44 words, and 66 words. These are categorized in their respective segments called squares.

In this book, we have international writers trying their hands at short stories of 22 words, 44 words, and 66 words each.

Hope you find this book beautiful as you yourself are.

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Wonderful Men

Books by Noel Lorenz

Wonderful Men is an anthology dedicated to Men on earth. Men are the last thing that poets write about. They have a big place in the hearts of the readers.

The idea is to help people express their thoughts and feelings about men. This book contains poetry from around the world dedicated to men and men alone.

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Mintakan Musings

Books by Noel Lorenz

Mintakan Musings anthology is part of the Colors of my Heart world record series by Noel Lorenz, published by Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

Immerse yourself into international contributions to world literature. This book is a compilation of poems written and submitted by several writers from all across the globe. Go into the depth of the hearts of writers and swim alongwith them in their imaginations on the theme of aliens, zombies, space and outer lif

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Noelo Poems - The Third Canon

Books by Noel Lorenz

2nd of April 2023 is the 2 years’ anniversary of Noelo Poems. We are glad to declare the third cannon of Noelo Poems written by NLHFIANS worldwide.

A new type of poetry for the world at large and of course, the poetry lovers.

It is called “Noelo” and is named after it’s inventor, Noel Lorenz.

‘Noelo Poems’, a short 6 lines poetry format for kids and adults to learn and enjoy poetry. It was invented on

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A Chimaeriformes: The false face warrior

Books by Lakshmi Kala Pattapagalu

A man who does not lose his monstrosity. With his uncomfortable desire, he wants to control the innocent people with his boundless deceptions, keeping them secret and rule them. Caught in his arms was a beautiful boy, Amman. This is his story. 

Gandhar makes him lose his radiance, and turn him into a Chimera making him estranged from his parents. In the journey to get his people, Amman's acquaintance becomes an introduction to love. How will Amman

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Shakti Anthology

Books by Noel Lorenz, Sneha Singh

Shakti Anthology is dedicated to all the Women who Love, Care, Inspire, Sacrifice, Work, Protect and Keep every Relationship tied.

To Respect & Celebrate her, Views and Emotions are Penned and Collaborated by the Teamwork of Authors and Co-authors.

It is Compiled by Sneha Singh from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, and is Published from the house of Ink Your Words Publication. (An imprint of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.)

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Ink Your Words Poetic Fair – Mellifluous Wafture

Books by Noel Lorenz

Ink Your Words Poetic Fair – Mellifluous Wafture – is an anthology of Week 2 of the Winter Festival celebrations 2023 of Ink Your Words international writing community founded by Noel Lorenz in Haflong, Assam on 29 December 2020.

It has poetry written in January 2023 in the Ink Your Words Writing Community by writers from different geographic regions.

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Ink Your Words Poetic Fair - Netaji and India

Books by Noel Lorenz

Ink Your Words Poetic Fair - Netaji and India is a celebrations book of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and India’s 74th Republic Day in Ink Your Words international writing community founded by Noel Lorenz in Haflong, Assam on 29 December 2020. It has poetry written in the Ink Your Words Writing Community by writers from different geographic regions.

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Senryu (vol.1)

Books by Noel Lorenz

SENRYU Vol.1 is a collection of ‘human haiku’ or ‘senryu’ poems by Noel Lorenz. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. I have tried to extract the sweetness of haiku in this book and still stick to the short-long-short format. In my experience, the English and Japanese use the syllabic count differently. Whatever we write cannot be compared to the real count in Japanese 5-7-5.

In this book, I have taken haiku to another level by al

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Ink Your Words Poetic Fair – Dust of Snow

Books by Noel Lorenz

Ink Your Words Poetic Fair – Dust of Snow – is an anthology of Week 1 of the Winter Festival celebrations 2023 of Ink Your Words international writing community founded by Noel Lorenz in Haflong, Assam on 29 December 2020.

It has poetry written in January 2023 in the Ink Your Words Writing Community by writers from different geographic regions.

We are proud to bring out this book in new year 2023 and we are grateful to the NLHFIANS

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Ink Your Words Anniversary 2022

Books by Noel Lorenz

Ink Your Words Anniversary 2022 is the second anniversary celebrations of Ink Your Words international writing community founded by Noel Lorenz in Haflong, Assam on 29 December 2020.

We are proud to bring out this book on this occasion and we are grateful to the NLHFIANS and the Ink Your Words Family for their support and love all throughout this journey of 2 years. The journey was, no doubt, long and tough with ups and downs all the way, but we have m

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Haiku (vol.4)

Books by Noel Lorenz

HAIKU Vol.4 is a collection of Haiku by Noel Lorenz. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. I have tried to extract the sweetness of haiku in the 4th volume of this book and still stick to the short-long-short format. In my experience, the English and Japanese use the syllabic count differently. Whatever we write cannot be compared to the real count in Japanese 5-7-5.

In this book, I have taken haiku to another level by allowing the free count. This book

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અસ્તિત્વની પરખ

Books by બીના શાહ

અસ્તિત્વની પરખ આ પુસ્તક એવી મહિલાઓને સમર્પિત છે જેમને પોતાના અંદરની ક્ષમતાઓની ખબર જ નથી કારણ એમને એવા સંજોગો મળ્યા નથી અને એવું પ્રોત્સાહન પણ મળ્યું નથી. 

એ સાથે જ આ પુસ્તક

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Haiku (vol.3)

Books by Noel Lorenz

HAIKU Vol.3 is a collection of Haiku by Noel Lorenz. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. I have tried to extract the sweetness of haiku in this book and still stick to the short-long-short format. In my experience, the English and Japanese use the syllabic count differently. Whatever we write cannot be compared to the real count in Japanese 5-7-5.

In this book, I have taken haiku to another level by allowing the free count. This book follows short-long

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Muskurane Ki Wajah

Books by Noel Lorenz

Muskurane Ki Wajah meaning The Reason of My Smile is a book that celebrates 3 years of dedicated service to the NLHFIANS worldwide.

It has seven segments-

Part – I - Muskurane Ki Wajah

Part – II - करवाटों के सिलसिले

Part – III - Uzbekistan Literature

Part – IV - 2nd Annual NLHF Fall Festival 2022

Part – V - NLHF Poetry Party 3 of 2022

Part &nda

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Law and Love

Books by Simran Kaur Sachar, Noel Lorenz

An anthology based on the relationship between Law and Love. Everything has its merits and demerits too and the same applies to Law and love also. Everyone say that law is a weapon to separate love but in my opinion it is the one which allows everyone to love and be loved. A total number of 30 writers are a precious part of these writeups. In this book word are written by the heart of each of the writer which can define the whole concept of relationship betwee

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Strings of Love

Books by Priyanka Bhattacharjee

'LOVE' -The most divine feeling that exists on Earth. Infact it is the string of love that ties all of us to eachother. But, we humans at times fail to realise this aesthetic feeling. Sometimes, we don't even realize how and in which form love comes into our life.

 'Strings of love' is a book which will give you readers an insight to how important love is in our life. Love is not only about having attraction towards the opposite sex. It's m

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Two Years to Heal

Books by Nandita Rani Giri

This book is based on some poems and quotes which were written by me in last 2 years. I modified it in a form of diary which shows the pain of a broken heart and the struggles which were faced by her to overcome from it.

Everyone once in their life come across someone who took their heart away and filled it with lots of love.

But gradually the storm hits so bad that they left away by hurting them.

That pain and the struggle of movin

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Doctors: Saviors of Lives (Color Edition)

Books by Rinky Devi

Doctors: Saviors of Lives

We all have experienced how Doctors affect our life and are also aware of the importance of a good doctor. 

From the first cry of a newborn to fixing bones or any organs, miracles happening with terminally ill or coma patients, and thankful responses from their patients. These are some of the best moments in a Doctor's life.

Doubtless, we call them Saviors. 

This book is dedicated to Docto

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Doctors: Saviors of Lives

Books by Rinky Devi, Prajwalika Sarmah

Doctors: Saviors of Lives

We all have experienced how Doctors affect our life and are also aware of the importance of a good doctor. 

From the first cry of a newborn to fixing bones or any organs, miracles happening with terminally ill or coma patients, and thankful responses from their patients. These are some of the best moments in a Doctor's life.

Doubtless, we call them Saviors. 

This book is dedicated to Docto

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एहसास - अलफ़ाज़ों में लिपटे हुए -

Books by गुड्डन नामदेव

एहसास - अलफ़ाज़ों में लिपटे हुए - ये किताब एक नारी के कई किरदारों के जज्बातों को बयान करती है। इसमें लिखे हर किरदार वास्ता रखते हैं हमारी ज़िन्दगी से। जिसे हम जाने अनजाने भूल जाते है

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Books by Noel Lorenz

Hush anthology is part of the Colors of my Heart world record series by Noel Lorenz, edited by Saumili Dutta and published by Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

Immerse yourself into romantic poetry. This book is a compilation of poems written and submitted by several writers from all across the globe on the theme of romance.

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Books by Noel Lorenz

AntAvA is a Telegu word which means “Will You Say?”

This book is a romantic anthology that contains a collection of writings on the question, “Will you say?”

Let’s read this fun book and let me tell you, I enjoyed editing it.

Ink Your Words Publication is an Imprint of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

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IYW Feb Anthology 2022

Books by Noel Lorenz

Ink Your Words February 2022 Anthology is a collection of writings from the Ink Your Words International Writing Community co-founded by Noel Lorenz on 29 December 2020 having a permanent affiliation to Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

All the Daily Challenge Topics from February 2022 are included in this anthology.

This book is edited by Advocate Simran Sachar from Haldwani, Uttarakhand.

Ink Your Words Publication is an Imprint of Noel Lo

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From Heart to Words

Books by Prajwalika Sarmah, Rinky Devi, Chikun Panda, Noel Lorenz

From Heart to Words is an anthology where a variety of writers Pen their words. Some Words Are often kept unexpressed in heart. This Anthology Has Words that Directly comes of out of the heart. Words are Directly penned from heart. One Can Relate to every letter of it.

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Wings to Emotions

Books by Rinky Devi, Prajwalika Sarmah, Noel Lorenz

As we speak we set ourselves free, as we write with us a reader also senses of being free.

Wings to emotions is a compilation of a variety of authors.

Emotions can be perplexing or heavy, they can also be joyous and precious or lovely. All those types exist on these pages as fragile as feathers, holding onto them are words in the form of stories, poems, etc. free to fly with Wings —this Book.

Let your emotions fly. Happy or sad th

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Churi Nahi Ye Mera Dil Hai

Books by Noel Lorenz

Churi Nahi Ye Mera Dil Hai is an anthology of Romance edited by Saumili Dutta and published by Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

Immerse yourself into romantic poetry. This book is a compilation of poems written and submitted by 31 writers from all across the globe on the theme of romance.


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Shree Ganesha

Books by Noel Lorenz

Shree Ganesha book – the first NLHF anthology book of 2022.

We pray to you to make us stronger than our difficulties.

Vighnaharta Ganehs ji ki jai!

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अबदुल्लोह की श्रेष्ठ कहानिया

Books by अबदुल्लोह अबदुमोमिनोव

शार्ट स्टोरीज फॉर चिल्ड्रन। मैं चाहता हूँ के आप सब ये किताब पढ़े और इसका मज़े लें। ये किताब बच्चे और बड़े दोनों ही पढ़ के मज़ा लेन सकते ह। 

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Conquer the Crisis Days with Wit and Courage

Books by Subhiksha G.

The book comprises three different chapters. These three parts will act as a lifesaver, life fighter, and life builder. It will pave a pathway to hope, harmony and peace. 

The first part will act as a ladder that will grant you confidence for converting your grief to grin. This book stands as a guide for slaying suicidal stress and facing life with faith. It clearly articulates the real problems, depressions, and sorrows many people face in their

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Books by Noel Lorenz

NLHF ENRICH Magazine. Edition-January 2022

International Magazine, Volume 02, Issue 01

Published by Noel Lorenz House of Fiction

Editor-in-Chief - Noel Lorenz


Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @noellorenzbooks

LinkedIn: @noellorenz

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Las llaves de la vida pacífica y feliz

Books by Debasree Maity

Vivi Una vita Felice - Have a good life.


It’s high time you should now focus on Yourself :)

Tribute to the divine - almighty who has graced & always showered love, blessings, energy, power.

Tribute to parents, Idols, guides & all those folks who are a true inspiration to some - thanks for showering constant love & su

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Patch of Happiness

Books by Noel Lorenz

Patch of Happiness is a book that depicts the writer’s point of view of looking at life.

- Rubindeep Kaur (Compiler)


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The Blackboard

Books by Krippashini T.

What does your mind get striked with, when you think of,


•He passed by her classroom everyday just to catch a glimpse of her. 

However, she never knew about the secret admirer. 

•I was bread and she was my jam. We were the best pair to be thought….

Yet, I was toasted 

And she often went stolen from the jar. 

Millions of disappearing visitors, 

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Experiences and Encounters

Books by Zal Zala

As the life goes on unidirectionally with its ups and downs, two very important things alter its course time and again.  

Experiences: Corroborations of the events that have happened. 

Encounters: A livid description of incidents more impromptu and antithetical at times from experiences.  

"Love", being a common factor of both is expressed through these two aspects.


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Pyar Ke Ashiqana Rang Me

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Pyar Ke Ashiqana Rang Me is a book that explores modern age romance. Let’s read what writers from around the world has to say about it. This book is compiled by Vibhor Bijoy.


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Sirens of Style

Books by Noel Lorenz

Sirens of Style is a book that explores the fashion sense of 2021. Both men and women are evolving with time and this year saw the world coming back to normalcy after a worldwide lockdown.


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The Happy Lemon

Books by Noel Lorenz

The Happy Lemon is a book that explores our mischievous mind. It takes control and drives on its own. Let’s read what writers from around the world has to say about it.


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Christmas Celebrations

Books by Noel Lorenz

A book about Christmas and the noise we make to show our happiness and share the joy with family and friends. This book is compiled by Parimala Pearl.


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Dreams of a Young Girl

Books by Noel Lorenz

Dreams of a Young Girl is a book that explores the dreams of young girls that faces all kinds of pressures from the society and yet, it lives on to make her a strong woman.


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Love Hai Ya Cutting Chai

Books by Noel Lorenz

Tea or Chai is a Romance.

Love Hai Ya Cutting Chai is a book on the romantic chai lovers. When lovers fight, a good cup of tea can bring them on the same page and make them share a smile that will have a positive impact on their relationship and life. Let’s read what writers from around the world has to say on this.


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अनमोल रिश्ते

Books by पूनम श्रीवास्तव

पूनम श्रीवास्तव द्वारा प्रस्तुत ये पुस्तक ANMOL RISHTE विभिन्न बेहतरीन पुस्तकों में से एक है!

इस पुस्तक के माध्यम रिश्तों के मायने को बखूबी दर्शाया गया है!

रिश्ते व संबंधों पर ही

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NYD - New Years Day

Books by Noel Lorenz

NYD - New Years Day is an open theme anthology from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction. Writers from many countries have written in this book.


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मेरी कलम से

Books by गणेश पाटील

"मेरी कलमसे" यह काव्यसंग्रह कुछ भावनात्मक और कल्पनात्मक कवितावो का संगम है| काव्य ,कविता यह  साहित्य क्षेत्र की ऐसी विधा है जिसमें हम आपनी कल्पना और मन के भाव को शब्द से जोडकर अप

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Teri Ashiqui Me

Books by Noel Lorenz

Writing is a Romance. Teri Ashiqui Me is an anthology talking about the loving relationships.


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Dilemma of Love

Books by Noel Lorenz

Writing is a Romance.

Dilemma of Love is an anthology talking about the dilemma lovers face in their relationships.


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Noelo Poems - The Second Canon

Books by Noel Lorenz

A new type of poetry for the world at large and of course, the poetry lovers. It is called “Noelo” and is named after it’s inventor, Noel Lorenz. This book will act as the Second Canon of Noelo poems. It contains more than 300 Noelo poems.


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Wayfaring Quill

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

A World Record Anthology in which every write-up starts with: "Writing became my love, when...." And the 268 international writers have added the next lines. This book is compiled by Archishman Sathpathy and Jasmine Panda.


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Vijayi Bhava

Books by Noel Lorenz

Vijayi Bhava is an anthology containing motivational and success poems. It will inspire the new generation.


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Coffee Time Writer

Books by Noel Lorenz

Writing is a Romance. Coffee Time Writer is an anthology talking about Coffee time and writers indulging in coffee while writing.


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City of Love

Books by Noel Lorenz

City of Love is an anthology with an open theme where writers from across the world has taken part. This book is compiled by poet Trisha Srivastava from Anandnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

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Books by Noel Lorenz

Patakhe is a Diwali special anthology with an open theme where writers from across the world has taken part.


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Books by Noel Lorenz



Copyright © 2021, Abhisek Ghosh. All Rights Reserved.


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Books by Debarati Das

Bohemian is an art book by Debarati Das from West Bengal. It is a collection of exclusive art compiled and conceptualized by Debarati Das.


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Nature Insight

Books by Neha Kumari

Nature Insight is a photo book compiled by Neha Kumari from Bihar. It is a collection of exclusive photographs compiled and conceptualized by Neha Kumari and published by Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.


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The Hidden Wish Project - Diwali Wishes

Books by Noel Lorenz

Diwali Wishes is a wish anthology containing Diwali wishes from across the nation. It is the second part of The Hidden Wish Project.


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Books by Nandita Rani Giri

Pandemic is a work of fiction on the current international crisis, Covid19 Pandemic, compiled by Nandita Rani Giri from Sundargarh, Odisha, India. This book is compiled by Nandita Rani Giri.


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I’m Feeling Like You

Books by Rahul Ranjan Mohanta

'I’m feeling like you’ is about the poetries and life lessons. Author experiences each and every emotion of this book. He wants to share all the difficulties he faced and how to solve it. A life journey from a broken piece to an antique one, his life changes a lot in last two years. Each emotion he going through explains here. Book is for how to live a life, spreading love around and sharing untold emotion through the words. Hope you all enjoy the

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Mishti Doi

Books by Noel Lorenz

Mishti Doi is a book talking about the celebrations and festive mood in the country. This book is compiled by Mishti Biswas.


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Tales from the Dead

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Tales from the Dead is a book of horror. If you have a weak heart, stay away from the book. If you decide to read the book, read it in daylight. You have been warned! This book is compiled by Mehrin Ahmad.


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Ring the Blues

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Something that broke you is what depends upon the topic. It may be any feeling, relation, pressure of anything or you yourself feel broken — that moment. Sorrow and Ring the Blues are semantically related. Let's dive deep and see what the writers have to say about it.

This book is compiled by NLHF International Brand Ambassador, Nepal — Joyous Jaya Rauniyar.


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Lost Me

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Lost Me is a book talking about that part of our hearts that we lose facing the tests that life puts in front of us. Read to know what authors from India and Africa have to say about it.


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Oceans Light

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Oceans Light is a book that explores the thoughts and perceptions of the writers on various topics. This book is compiled by Jasmine Panda.


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Short Story Ideas

Books by Noel Lorenz

Short Story Ideas is a book that explores many short story ideas from writes across the world.

Read NLHF’s youngest writer who wrote a beautiful story and do not miss our international writers from Liberia and Mauritius.

Hope this will be an interesting read for the weekend.

For the aspiring writers, this will serve as a treasure trove.


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World Without Water

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

World Without Water is a book that explores the importance of water for sustenance of life on earth. This book is Compiled by Akash Chaurasiya.


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Summer Musings

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Summer Musings is a book that explores the thoughts and reflections coming into the minds of the writers during the summer season. This book is Compiled by Trishna Chakraborty.


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उम्र ए शबाब

Books by नोएल लॉरेंज़, तृष्णा चक्रबोर्ती

उम्र-ए-शबाब, ये किताब परिचय देता है प्यार की, दो लोग जब एकदूसरे में डूब जाते हैं, तो उनके जज्बात और अपनी प्रेम की भाषा का उल्लेख किया गया है। उम्र-ए- शबाब प्यार की भावना को गहराई तक दो

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Warrior of Warriors

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Warrior of Warriors is a book that explores the inner power of doctors, soliders and writers. These are 3 fighters who fight for our nation some secretly and some openly. This book is compiled by Shreya Pokhriyal.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Marshmallow is a book dedicated to the women of India. Women are the most beautiful creation of God and let us express our respect and support for them.


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Scarlet Souls

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Moncheri Romance presents Scarlet Souls, a book dedicated to the romantic souls on earth. Pure romance is the joy of souls. This book is compiled by Priya Singh.


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Broken Trust

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Broken Trust is a book that explores the perceptions of various writers on the given topic. It is a delicate issue at the present time as we can see so many breakups and divorces based on Broken Trust. Trust is the basis of all relationships on earth and the writers present their observations and experiences in this fictional book. This book is Compiled by Joyce Namirembe.


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Pulwama Heroes Anthology

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Pulwama Heroes Anthology is a book that contains love and honour for the Indian Army by writers from across India. This book is Compiled by Kareena Verma.


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Bees and Beasts

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Bees and Beasts is an open themed anthology attracting writers from across India. It has become a collection of thoughts and culture.


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Distillation: A Collection of Poems

Books by Anavah Moses

Distillation is a collection of thirty poems written as a set of correspondence between two penfriends in a pre-Covid world. When one friend gave the topic as a challenge the other friend wrote the poem in the hope of appreciation. Though the inter-continental friendship did not survive the time, the poems did. These poems, written on God, Man and Woman, tries to generalize the attitudes across continents and cultures.


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Love Stories

Books by Noel Lorenz

Love Stories is a collection of romantic stories. Writers from across India have come together in this book to celebrate love. Love is the only thing that gives us hope to go on in life and face life boldly.


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Chin Up Princess

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Chin Up Princess is a book dedicated to the women of India. Women are the most beautiful creation of God and let us express our respect and support for them. This book is compiled by Sanjay Naik.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Glitter is a book dedicated to the women of India. Women are the most beautiful creation of God and let us express our respect and support for them. This book is Compiled by Sanjay Naik.


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Love in February

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Love in February is a book that combines three themes: ‘February Moods’, ‘February 14 as Single’ and ‘Valentines Fantasy’.


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Books by दीपा सोनी

प्यार मे मिले धोखे से अनजान नंदनी अपने प्यार के इंतजार मे सारा जीवन गुजार देती है पर एक दिन इत्तफाक से उसका बेटा ही उसे अपने पिता से मिलवाता है l

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डर क्या चीज़ है

Books by नोएल लॉरेंज़, तृष्णा चक्रबोर्ती

डर क्या चीज़ है एक ऐसी किताब है जिसमें भारत भर के लेखकों की डरावनी कहानियां है। यह किताब डरावनी और भूतों की कहानियों पर आधारित है।

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Viral Load

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Viral Load is a book that talks about the negative effects that Covid 19 corona virus has spread. This book brings writers to talk about the subject and encourage each other during this period.

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Books by Debarati Das, Mainak Sengupta

CLICK-O-PEDIA, conceptualized by Debarati Das and Mainak Sengupta, the Team Leaders at NLHF Ro3. We would also like to congratulate them for successfully finishing the project in time. We are grateful to our international participants and would love if they would kindly take part in all our future endeavours.


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Radha Krishna

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

A book on Radha Krishna and Meera by writers from across India. Read to know how bhakti flows from all corners of the nation.

This book includes all the below themes.

- Maa Bharti

- Radhe Shyam

- Meera ke Shyam

- Radha ek Premi

- Radhe Radhe Karo Chale Ayenge Bihari

- Vrindavan Dham

- Banke Bihari

- Makhan Chor


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Last Breakup

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Last Breakup is a book that talks about your previous breakups. Was it the last one or did you again try to form a new relationship? Read to know more.


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Books by Naveena Bhashini

This is my first book which was my dream come true, feels like happened in a single night. This book will definitely motivate you in all directions of your life. Life is not on same style for everyone, you will feel your life is the hardest one until you hear some other’s story. Life is always being on its own way neither or nor beyond our imaginations. 

Life should be considered as a New Page in a book. It’s always a new hope looking

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Dad - My Superhero

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Dad - My Superhero is a collection of thoughts and reflections on the first super hero of our lives, our father.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Marilag is a Filipino word meaning having or showing impressive beauty or scale. In English, it is majestic. The highest scales of Marilag can be found in the ones who are at their happiest. So, let the magic of happiness surround you all the time, all your life. The book is compiled by Ujjwal Shree and she is also featured on the cover. She is a NLHF record holder for compiling this book under 12 hours.


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The Magic of Beard

Books by Rubindeep Kaur

This book is a combination of humour, thriller, and life lesson. Magic of beard portrays Addison Walker as a great artist who could paint with his beard, being the only one among the painters to do so. He puts so much faith in those who turn out to be kind to him. Many people plot something against his career. But will he succeed in saving himself or suffer for a lifetime? Let's find out.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Romanssi is a book of romance of love, it reflects the two souls love with many love messages. Love is the basis of existence and romance is the eternal love of two souls. Love your love and be romantic to make the love sweeter with a strong bond. This is the first book published under IYW Publication, an initiative of NLHF.


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Moncheri Magazine

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Moncheri Magazine, Vol. 1 Issue 1, International Photography Edition from Moncheri Romance Publishers based in India.

First International Photography Magazine featuring NLHF Rule of Thirds - Ro3, an international Photography Team being curated by the founders of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction. The photographers come from all walks of life. At NLHF Ro3, their photography is important, not the device or camera they use to capture it. 
Moncheri Rom

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Offering Peace

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Offering Peace is meant to spread Peace and Happiness around the globe. Unless you have peace of mind within yourself, you cannot have peace without. So look within and be peaceful. Put a smile on your face and spread Happiness around yourself.


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Kismat aur Hakeeqat

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Kismat Aur Hakeeqat is a book that reflects the thoughts and perceptions of writers on the subject of reality and luck. It is not always that we find luck working for us. Reality bites.


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Such Are The Times

Books by Zal Zala

I have been writing in Urdu for a long time and this book is also written in Urdu diction. Of course for understanding purpose the script is in Devanagri. Devanagri script is easy to read and then the words can be referred and easily understood. I am also taking the pains to explain the gist of the poem after I have completed the poem in this. This book is a collection of poems that is particularly targeted at some of the happenings that are happening now in r

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Love Streak

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Love Streak is a book of love that talks about love as the central focus of life. It takes us through a journey where you see love is the only way to be happy.


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Beauty of Words

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Beauty of Words is a book that reflects the thoughts and perceptions of writers on the subject. Words can make you or break you, so read this book and use your words carefully.


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Such Are The Times

Books by Zal Zala

I have been writing in Urdu for a long time and this book is also written in Urdu diction. Of course for understanding purpose the script is in Devanagri. Devanagri script is easy to read and then the words can be referred and easily understood. I am also taking the pains to explain the gist of the poem after I have completed the poem in this. This book is a collection of poems that is particularly targeted at some of the happenings that are happening now in r

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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Alfaaz-e-Dil is a book that talks about the words that come out of our heart and make someone’s day. It’s a book of love for words and words for love.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Stalking is the act of following someone or something very closely and watching its every move. The verb ‘to stalk’ means to pursue carefully, and often stealthily. This book reflects the writers’ perception of the subject.


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Wrong Gifts Surprise Visit

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Wrong Gifts Surprise Visit is a book that covers a different topic. We all get surprise visits and wrong gifts some time or the other. That’s fun at times. So let’s go and read what our authors have to say about it.


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Maa Paa The Real God

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Maa Paa The Real God is a collection of thoughts and reflections on the first gods that we ever witness in our lives, our Parents. This book is compiled by the 2nd ever Brand Ambassador and a Warrior for Women Ambassador of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction, Nandita Rani Giri from Odisha, India.


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Hope of a Maskless Future

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Hope of a Maskless Future is a book that reflects the hope of the humankind to again live freely and independantly. Wearing masks voluntarily is a different thing, but wearing it compulsorily is another thing. We want to enjoy a free life. This book is for the future.


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Lovely Father

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Lovely Father is a book that talks about fathers. A father is the one who keeps giving love without getting much back as he gets less time with his children while working hard to secure their future. Here’s a book dedicated to the fathers.


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Life is a Lesson

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Life is a Lesson is a book that talks about the struggles and victories that we face in life. It talks about what life teaches us through sad and happy times.


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Please Don’t Stop Loving Me

Books by Nandita Rani Giri

Please don’t stop loving me is a book that talks about the desire to be loved by someone. Human beings are social animals and we all need somone to love us at some point in our lives.


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Stories from Countrysides

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Stories from Countrysides is a collection of tales by writers from across the Indian sub-continent. Read different stories from a mix of writers coming from varied cultures and languages.

Compiled by S. Sree Navya.


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Meaning of Life

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Meaning of life is an anthology that reflects the thoughts of the writers about the meaning of life.

Compiled by Joyous Jaya Rauniyar from Nepal.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

This book is dedicated to Ram Bhakt Hanuman ji. His devotion to the Lord Ram is so pure. Jai Siya Ram.


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Mothers Day - Yashomati Maiyya

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

This book is dedicated to all the mothers. The theme of this book is Yashomati Maiyya, the mother of Lord Krishna.


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Ramayan - The Anthology

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

This book is dedicated to Ram Bhakt Hanuman ji. His devotion to the Lord Ram is so pure. This book contains writings on the Ramayan, Lav Kush and Maharishi Vashishta. Jai Siya Ram.


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Words That Matter

Books by Noel Lorenz

Words That Matter is a book of love, hope and happiness.

It is compiled by a friend from Kenya, whom I met during writing challenges in our Ink Your Words International Writing Community.


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Sunsets in India.2

Books by Noel Lorenz

The book ‘Sunsets in India.2’ is dedicated to the beautiful Indian Sunsets. It’s an anthology compiled by two very special persons, V. Rathika and Siri Sumedha Devalla.


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Sita Ram

Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

This book is dedicated to the beautiful relationship of Lord Ram and his wife, Goddess Sita. Jai Siya Ram.


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Milne Ki Tamanna

Books by Noel Lorenz

Milne Ki Tamanna is a book that talks about the desire to meet your loved ones. An Anthology from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.


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Books by Noel Lorenz, Trishna Chakraborty

Abditory refers to a place into which you can disappear.

It is a collection of 100 Line Poems.


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Ghost Tales

Books by Noel Lorenz

A book of Ghost Tales from India. Read a collection of horror stories. An anthology from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.


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Dil ka Rishta

Books by Noel Lorenz

Dil Ka Rishta is a book that talks about the heart’s connection with people who are close to us. They don’t have to be our blood relations. This book is all about heart relations.


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La Donna

Books by Noel Lorenz

La Donna is a book that celebrates womanhood and supports women empowerment. And Noel Lorenz House of Fiction boasts of the fact that the Vice-President of NLHF is a woman who is part of all decision making at NLHF.


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Books by Noel Lorenz

Morii (noun): The desire to capture a fleeting experience. This book is dedicated to Love.


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Indian Farmers

Books by Noel Lorenz

Farmers are the most important class in a nation. They are the ones who feed us by working hard in the grounds year round.

This book is a work of fiction and is dedicated to the Indian Farmers.


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Maa Sherawaliye

Books by Noel Lorenz

This book is dedicated to Aadi Shakti in her different avtars on the occasion of Navratri, April 2021.


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Taxi Ride Tales

Books by Noel Lorenz

Taxi Ride Tales is a book that covers the Taxi Ride experiences by people from all across India.


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Books by Noel Lorenz



Copyright © 2021, Abhisek Ghosh. All Rights Reserved.


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White Whispers

Books by Noel Lorenz

White Whipers is a new themed book from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction. The theme of this book is ‘Loss of Innocence’.


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Noelo Poems

Books by Noel Lorenz

A new type of poetry for the world at large and of course, the poetry lovers.

It is called “Noelo” and is named after it’s inventor, Noel Lorenz.

‘Noelo Poems’, a short 6 line poetry format for kids and adults to learn and enjoy poetry. It was invented on the sweet morning  of 2nd of April 2021 by Noel Lorenz while thinking about a fun and creative way to present a poetry competition to his Ink Your Words (IYW

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Cherry Contact

Books by Noel Lorenz

Book 1 of the Love series from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

This book contains stories and poems reflecting the brighter side of love.


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Touch in the Dark

Books by Noel Lorenz

Book 2 of the Love series from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

This book contains stories and poems reflecting the dark side of love.


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Reading is Food for Soul

Books by Noel Lorenz

Reading is Food for Soul contains writings by people managing various publication houses across India. This is a special book compiled by a brother from Odisha.


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Elysian Poetry Vol. 1

Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the first volume of Elysian Poetry, a book dedicated to writers from across India.

The adjective elysian describes a blissful state, like the one most people hope to enjoy on a vacation. The name was given to reflect the blissful state that poetry allows us to enjoy.


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Introspection: A Self Love

Books by Noel Lorenz

Introspection: A Self Love is a book that covers self introspection by writers from across India. Introspection is the examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings.


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Women Empowerment

Books by Krippashini T.

Empowerment is the process that creates power in individuals over their own lives, society, and in their communities. People are empowered if they have an access to opportunities without any limitations or restrictions such as in education, profession and in their way of life. Feeling entitled to make your own decisions creates a sense of empowerment. Empowerment includes the action of raising the status of women through education, raising awareness, literacy,

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Books by Noel Lorenz

This book is dedicated to writers from across India.

From Noel Lorenz House of Fiction

- Noel Lorenz


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Maha Shivay

Books by Noel Lorenz

This book is dedicated to Lord Shiva on the occasion of Mahashivratri, March 2021.


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Elysian Poetry Vol. 2

Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the second volume of Elysian Poetry, a book dedicated to writers from across India.

The adjective elysian describes a blissful state, like the one most people hope to enjoy on a vacation. The name was given to reflect the blissful state that poetry allows us to enjoy.


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Khwaishen (vol.2)

Books by Noel Lorenz

We all have an inner Desire that we do not reveal until it is fulfilled. This is a unique opportunity to write about those desires.


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Books by Noel Lorenz

The book ‘Peacherino’ is dedicated to the Indians. The term ‘Peacherino’ [ pee-chuh-ree-noh ] means a person or thing that is especially attractive, liked, or enjoyed; a particularly pleasing person or thing.

Indians are always a pleasing sight at any tourist destination on earth. So this book was conceptualized to remember the Indians who cover the face of the earth spreading their love and joy with laughter and care. This book

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Sunsets in India

Books by Noel Lorenz

The book ‘Sunsets in India’ is dedicated to the beautiful Indian Sunsets. It’s an anthology compiled by two very special persons, V. Rathika and Siri Sumedha Devalla.


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The Parables of Good Times

Books by Noel Lorenz

The book 'The Parables of Good Times' is dedicated to my little sister from Anandnagar, Uttar Pradesh. This book contains her writings, and poems & articles by people close to her!

This book also contains beautiful paintings and photographs at the end!


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The Parables of Good Times (BnW)

Books by Noel Lorenz

The book 'The Parables of Good Times' is dedicated to my little sister from Anandnagar, Uttar Pradesh. This book contains her writings, and poems & articles by people close to her!

This book also contains beautiful paintings and photographs at the end!


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Books by Noel Lorenz

The name 'Kallistê' means 'most beautiful'. This book was declared during the international girl child week. Kallistê suits the central theme of this book — the Girl Child!


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The Perfect Date

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘The Perfect Date’ is a special book that is dedicated to the month of February, the time we celebrate love.

It is a 2021 February Edition and I am grateful to Priyanka Varma for helping with the creation of the manuscript. I am thankful to all the writers who have shown interest in this humble initiative under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.


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NLHF IYW-Anthology Feb 2021

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘NLHF IYW Anthology Feb 2021’ is a special book that is dedicated to the writers of Daily Challenges of Ink Your Words Writing Community founded by our very own Trishna Chakraborty from Haflong, Assam.

It is a 2021 February Edition and I am grateful to Trishna Chakraborty for coming up with this great idea. I am thankful to all the writers who have shown interest in this humble initiative under the Indian Literature Series that I am current

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Books by Noel Lorenz

The name 'Kallistê' means 'most beautiful'. This book was declared during the international girl child week. Kallistê suits the central theme of this book — the Girl Child!

International Anthology.


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Friends & Lovers

Books by Noel Lorenz

This book is a dream come true. I have always dreamed to release an international book where writers from many countries have contributed.

Thanks to Katherine Abraham, the compiler and Brand Ambassador of NLHF for the World Literature Series, that my dream has come true at last, and I am sure, this is just the start.

The stories and poems in this book are special as thinkers and writers have come together to sprinkle their literary intelligence

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Bein Memoire

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Bien Memoire’ is a collection of memories by Indian Writers. 

It is a 2020 Memorable Moments Edition. I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.


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उफ़्फ़ ये इश्क़

Books by ज़ल ज़ला

"इश्क़" ये नाम सुनकर ही रोंगटे खड़े हो जाते है।  इस जहां मैं यक़ीनन हर किसी ने कभी न कभी किसी न किसी से तो इश्क़ किया ही होगा। ये नज़्में उन सब को सलाम हैं जिन्होंने इश्क़ करने की हिम्मत क

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Books by Noel Lorenz


Copyright © 2021, Abhisek Ghosh. All Rights Reserved.


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An Angel's Story

Books by Nithese Krishna

An Angel's  Story

(Low Priced Edition)

Raj returned to India after 6 years. He had never seen his daughter in real life. Her name was Rani. She was Six years old. Her birthday was on November 11. Raj arranged a birthday party. 

But on that day…

Rani was kidnapped by some strangers.

 ‘Where is Rani? Is she alive? What would have happened to her?’

Do you KNOW!?

Rani can&rsq

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Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Shakhsiyat’ is a book that captures the perceptions of personality in the young Indian. This book is a mix of articles, poetry and thoughts.

It is a 2021 New Year Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.

- Noel Lorenz


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Books by Noel Lorenz

NLHF ENRICH MAGAZINE BOOK from Noel Lorenz House of Fiction

Copyright © 2021, Abhisek Ghosh. All Rights Reserved.


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Army Day 2021

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Army Day 2021- An Anthology’ is a special book that is dedicated to the real heroes of India – The Army, the Navy and the Air Force.


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Inspiring Women

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Inspiring Women’ is a collection of writings by women from across India coming from different walks of life. 

It is a 2021 Women Empowerment Edition in support of the girl child education and women empowerment. I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.


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An Angel's Story

Books by Nithese Krishna

Raj returned to India after 6 years. He had never seen his daughter in real life. Her name was Rani. She was Six years old. Her birthday was on November 11. Raj arranged a birthday party. 

But on that day…

Rani was kidnapped by some strangers.

 ‘Where is Rani? Is she alive? What would have happened to her?’

Do you KNOW!?

Rani can’t speak. Because she is Dumb.

A Novel from Noel

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Memories of 2020

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Memories of 2020’ is a book that captures the nostalgic mood of the season. This book is dedicated to a mix of scarred emotions that made 2020 a year that most of humanity will never want to face again. Yet there are things we cannot forget.

It is a 2021 New Year Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.

- Noel Lor

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कलम - लेखकों की दुनियां

Books by नोएल लॉरेंज़

कलम - लेखकों की दुनियाँ, ये किताब लेखकों को प्रेरित करने का एक कोशिश हैं नोएल लॉरेंज़ द्वारा।
ये नोएल लॉरेंज़ हाउस ओफ़ फ़िक्शन द्वारा प्रकाशित किया जा रहा हैं।


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New Year Resolutions

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘New Year Resolutions’ is a book that displays the new year mood of the season.

It is a 2021 New Year Special Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.

- Noel Lorenz


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Ishq Me

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Ishq Me’ is a book that displays the romantic mood of the winter season. This book is dedicated to mother’s love.

It is a 2021 Valentine Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.

- Noel Lorenz


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कारवां ग़ज़लों का

Books by ज़ल ज़ला

किसी भी जज़्बात या मौज़ू को जब एक मक़सूस तरीके से स्याहिबंध किया जाए कि उसे आप पढ़ भी सके और गा भी सके तो उसे एक ग़ज़ल की शक्ल मिल जाती है।  

एक ख्याल या फिर कई मुक्तलिफ़ ख्याल जब एक कला

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Love in Winters

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘Love in Winters’ is a romantic book that reflects the romantic mood of the season.

It is a Valentine’s Day Special Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.

- Noel Lorenz


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Khwaishen (vol.1)

Books by Noel Lorenz

We all have an inner Desire that we do not reveal until it is fulfilled. This is a unique opportunity to write about those desires.

- Noel Lorenz


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January Proposals

Books by Noel Lorenz

‘‘January Proposals’ is a romantic book that reflects the romantic mood of the season.
It is a Valentine’s Day Special Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.
- Noel Lorenz

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Joy of Thought

Books by Noel Lorenz

Joy of Thought is Book One of a Motivational Series from the Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

— Noel Lorenz


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Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

Thehraav is a book that reflects on life. This book contains shayari, poems and quotes written by me over a period of time. The central theme of this book is 'understanding life'. Love is the central theme of all life and creation that we see today. Lord Krishna always said,

प्रेम ही जीवन का आधार है

राधे राधे

Do not confuse it with my personal feelings or any person living or dead. T

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Happy Mind Successful Life

Books by Noel Lorenz

Happy Mind Successful Life is Book Two of a Motivational Series from the Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

One need a Calm and Happy Mind to Chase after their Dreams.

— Noel Lorenz


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Books by Noel Lorenz

The name 'Gulabbo' is a romantic name by which a LOVER calls his BELOVED in private in many parts of north India.

It is a Valentine’s Day Special Edition and I am grateful to all the writers who have shown interest in my humble initiatives under the Indian Literature Series that I am currently working on.


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The Hidden Wish Project – Christmas Wishes

Books by Noel Lorenz

We all have a Hidden Wish which we do not reveal in front of others. This is a unique opportunity to tell your Hidden Wish this Christmas.

- Noel Lorenz

15 Dec 2020


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Books by Noel Lorenz

The name 'Kallistê' means 'most beautiful'. This book was declared during the international girl child week. Kallistê suits the central theme of this book — the Girl Child!

At first, I was not sure about the success of this book and decided to take submissions through 25th December 2020, so that I may find at least a handful of writers and thinkers. But I must confess that the hidden talents in the not so famous places of India have s

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Books by Noel Lorenz

The name 'Kallistê' means 'most beautiful'. This book was declared during the international girl child week. Kallistê suits the central theme of this book — the Girl Child!

At first, I was not sure about the success of this book and decided to take submissions through 25th December 2020, so that I may find at least a handful of writers and thinkers. But I must confess that the hidden talents in the not so famous places of India have s

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Manifestations of Love

Books by Krippashini T.


           - an obvious embodiment 

Love! Something we experience most often.

Hey readers, 

Have confusions? Puzzled about how humans react? 

Do doubts arise on your partner? 

Wanna know the different manifestations?

Don’t worry! Your biased mood on love will come to an end, after reading this book. 

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Hopihop December

Books by Noel Lorenz

Hopihop December is an anthology which was conceptualized, designed, compiled, edited and published within a month.

Another anthology from the House of Noel Lorenz Fiction, it features 14 writers from across India.

“It is the first book of the Indian Literature Series designed by the editor himself.”

India is a land of diverse culture, language and ways of life. To bring them together in one book is impossible. So I decided

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Coffee Shayar (vol.2)

Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

Coffee Shayari is a book about lovers and their feelings. This book contains shayari, poems and quotes written by me over a period of time. The central theme of this book is 'love'. Love is the central theme of all life and creation that we see today. Lord Krishna always said,

प्रेम ही जीवन का आधार है

राधे राधे

Do not confuse it with my personal feelings or any person living or dead.

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Zen Mind

Books by Noel Lorenz

Zen Mind is a book that contains my thoughts relating to zen and advaita. My mother has also contributed her thoughts in this book. I have been practicing simple zen meditation and reading zen literature for most part of the previous decade and I feel that is not enough, because even trying to find zen is not the real zen. I felt the need to write this book so the things that I have realized may be available to the world for further research. Although it may b

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Coffee Shayar

Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

Coffee Shayari is a book about lovers and their feelings. This book contains shayari, poems and quotes written by me over a period of time. The central theme of this book is 'love'. Love is the central theme of all life and creation that we see today. Lord Krishna always said,

प्रेम ही जीवन का आधार है

राधे राधे

Do not confuse it with my personal feelings or any person living or dead.

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Ascent of Passage Trilogy: Checkmate

Books by Noel Lorenz

After all that happened to Sundar, how would he accept the new girl in his life? Or would she manipulate him? Loyalty, he thought, was her strong suit, but would she be loyal to him? Read what happened to Sundar and Roshni at the end. Was Seema really gone or did she...

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The White Beach Secrets

Books by Noel Lorenz

Samarth fought hard to get away from marriage and fled home for a trip to Goa. On the way he met a girl, who led him to an alien encounter.

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Ascent of Passage: Of Visceral Proportion

Books by Noel Lorenz

After seeing his would be wife dead, Sundar broke down. A common friend came forward and supported him. In the mourning process, they came too close for comfort, but will Seema approve of it? Can she rest in peace after knowing Sundar agreed to marry her?

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Ascent of Passage Trilogy: The Complete Novel

Books by Noel Lorenz

Seema Reddy, beautiful and energetic at 23, was about to marry her long time lover, Sundar. When he went to buy a ring for her, he was attacked by the ghost of her ex-lover. Seema promised to save him, but she didn't know what price she had to pay in exchange for Sundar's life. After seeing his would be wife dead, Sundar broke down. A common friend came forward and supported him. In the mourning process, they came too close for comfort. Would Seema tolerate th

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अफ़साना संग्रह

Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

मेरे शायरी की चर्चा को यहीं ख़तम करते हुए आप सब पाठकों को अफ़साना का ये गाथा भेट करना चाहता हूँ।

इस किताब मे मेरे अफ़साना की पाँचों किताब एक साथ पेश कर रहा हूँ।

Twitter: @noellorenzbooks<

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Ascent of Passage Trilogy: Of Mists and Curse

Books by Noel Lorenz

Seema Reddy, beautiful and energetic at 23, was about to marry her long time lover, Sundar. When he went to buy a ring for her, he was attacked by the ghost of her ex-lover. Seema promised to save him, but she didn't know what price she had to pay in exchange for Sundar's life. Now she is dead. Whatever  happens to Sundar is on her!

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Books by अभिषेक कल्कत्तावाले

'संगमम' का अर्थ है संगम। इस पुस्तक को इसलिए ये नाम दिया गया है क्योंकि इसमें विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में विभिन्न लोगों के विचार और धारणाएं शामिल हैं। यह पुस्तक, पिछली वॉल्यूम की तरह

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Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the first book of the Chronicles of Neysa. It is a mystery thriller that is based in India and Russia. It is a war between two families spread over a century. A third lifetime for Neysa to fight with her enemies led by Popov, the Russian. She was aided by KGB and CIA operatives, but Popov escaped the trap even when Kremlin sent an armor to fight him. Did he reach India? Popov sent his men to catch Neysa who already had visitors. Who took her? Where is

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Books by Noel Lorenz

This book is one of many English poetry books that I am writing. This book is filled with joy, happiness and love.

A collection of Quintilla – a Spanish form of poetry and Cinquain – another form of poetry, a five-line poem that was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

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Haiku (vol.2)

Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the second book of Haiku by a simple zen practitioner, Noel Lorenz.
Haiku is an ancient Japanese form of unrhymed poetry which is mostly popular for its small size. It consists of only three lines capturing the essence of the moment pictured in it, where crafty juxtaposition plays its role. It has 17 syllables in total, spread in 5-7-5 across three lines. The author of this book has been practicing Japanese Zen meditation for several years. He has

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7 Short Stories

Books by Noel Lorenz

Second book of the Knight of Sin Series. Book Theme: Romance and Crime. Theme Story: The Kiss, Neysa.

This book has all new stories. I may come out with another future volume containing continuation chapters of some of the best stories from these first two volumes.

Hope you will enjoy reading my book.

Do give your Feedback @noellorenzblog on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter.

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Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

अफ़साना - ये किताब कलकत्ता के रहने वाले अभिषेक घोष (कलकत्तावाले) का शायरी की पंचम किताब है | इन्होने पिछले दशक मे बहुत सारी शेर ओर नज़्म लिखा है जो इस दशक मे बिभिन्न किताब के रूप मे

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Sangamam (vol.3)

Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

‘Sangamam’ means confluence. This is the third volume of Sangamam anthology series by Abhisek Kalkattawale. This book is so named as it contains thoughts and perceptions of different people under different circumstances. This book captures the thoughts of four generations of writers. This book contains poems and stories by different authors from across India.

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Flying High

Books by Noel Lorenz

This book contains fifty-one unrhymed free-verse poems that I wrote in a hundred and thirty minutes on the 26th of March 2020. That's a record in itself. I have beaten the previous writing stint of my book ‘Mind Tales’.

One important thing about this book is that I have not used any punctuation marks in this book. It is my maiden voyage of this kind.

In these trying times of the ‘coronavirus’ attack on humanity, I found

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Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

अफ़साना - ये किताब कलकत्ता के रहने वाले अभिषेक घोष (कलकत्तावाले) का शायरी की चौथी किताब है | इन्होने पिछले दशक मे बहुत सारी शेर ओर नज़्म लिखा है जो इस दशक मे बिभिन्न किताब के रूप मे

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Tanka (vol.2)

Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the third book of ancient Japanese poetry by a simple zen practitioner, Noel Lorenz. Tanka is an ancient Japanese form of unrhymed poetry which is mostly popular for its small size. It consists of only five lines capturing the essence of the moment pictured in it, where crafty juxtaposition plays its role. It has 31 syllables in total, spread in 5-7-5-7-7 across five lines. The author of this book has been practicing Japanese Zen meditation for several

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Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the second book of ancient Japanese poetry by a simple zen practitioner, Noel Lorenz. Tanka is an ancient Japanese form of unrhymed poetry which is mostly popular for its small size. It consists of only five lines capturing the essence of the moment pictured in it, where crafty juxtaposition plays its role. It has 31 syllables in total, spread in 5-7-5-7-7 across five lines. The author of this book has been practicing Japanese Zen meditation for severa

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Sangamam (vol.2)

Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

‘Sangamam’ means confluence. This book is so named as it contains thoughts and perceptions of different people under different circumstances. This book captures the thoughts of three generations of writers. This is the Centenary Edition commemorating the hundredth birth anniversary of my grandfather, Late Shri Santosh Kumar Ghosh, 22 March 1915 - 22 March 2015. To my knowledge, this is the first book ever to have his writings as an author.

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Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

अफ़साना - ये किताब कलकत्ता के रहने वाले अभिषेक घोष (कलकत्तावाले) का शायरी की तीसरी किताब है | इन्होने पिछले दशक मे बहुत सारी शेर ओर नज़्म लिखा है जो इस दशक मे बिभिन्न किताब के रूप मे

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Mind Tales

Books by Noel Lorenz

This is an English poetry book by Noel Lorenz, author of six books. This book contains fifty unrhymed free-verse poems that I wrote under seven hours on the 22nd of February, 2020. That's a record in itself. I have beaten my own previous writing stint. The theme of this poetry book is love. Find more books at www.noellorenz.com

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Books by Abhisek Kalkattawale

Sangamam, an anthology, is a collection of selected writings by Abhisek Kalkattawale. These were written at different times under different circumstances. There are poems and other writings. The author has already published Hindi and Japanese poetry and a short story fiction in English. His debut novel will be available soon on amazon.

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Books by Noel Lorenz

This is the first book of Haiku by a simple zen practitioner, Noel Lorenz. Haiku is an ancient Japanese form of unrhymed poetry which is mostly popular for its small size. It consists of only three lines capturing the essence of the moment pictured in it, where crafty juxtaposition plays its role. It has 17 syllables in total, spread in 5-7-5 across three lines. The author of this book has been practicing Japanese Zen meditation for several years. He has already

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Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

अफ़साना - ये किताब कलकत्ता के रहने वाले अभिषेक घोष (कलकत्तावाले) का शायरी की दूसरी किताब है | इन्होने पिछले दशक मे बहुत सारी शेर ओर नज़्म लिखा है जो इस दशक मे बिभिन्न किताब के रूप मे

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Books by अभिषेक कलकत्तावाले

अफ़साना - ये किताब कलकत्ता के रहने वाले अभिषेक घोष (कलकत्तावाले) का शायरी की पहली किताब है | इन्होने पिछले दशक मे बहुत सारी शेर ओर नज़्म लिखा है जो इस दशक मे बिभिन्न किताब के रूप मे प

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Private Affair and Other Stories


Seema Reddy, beautiful and energetic at 23, was about to marry her long time lover, Sundar. When he went to buy a ring for her, he was attacked by the ghost of her ex-lover. Seema promised to save him, but she didn't know what price she had to pay in exchange for Sundar's life. Now she is dead. Whatever  happens to Sundar is on her!

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Just Telepathy

By Abhisek Ghosh (Noel Lorenz) in Romance | Reads: 353 | Likes: 1

This story was published by me in my Anthology 'SANGAMAM (vol.3)' "Who's this?" a frustrated Bianca was again disrupted in her meditation. A man from the other side spoke something in what seemed like an Asian language. She opened her eyes and tried to meditate again.  After a few quiet minutes,  Read More...

Published on Sep 2,2020 04:38 PM

Of Mists and Curse (An Excerpt)

By Abhisek Ghosh (Noel Lorenz) in Romance | Reads: 434 | Likes: 0

(An Excerpt from Ascent of Passage Trilogy, Book 1: Of Mists and Curse) THE KISS Khushboo was walking to college when she heard her phone ring. It was her cousin, Neetu. “Hey, Neetu,” Khushboo greeted her. “I’ve some bad news,” Neetu informed. “What?” Now what? Khushboo thought. “Y  Read More...

Published on Sep 3,2020 03:34 PM

Why doth life seem to be such a puzzle all of a sudden?

By Abhisek Ghosh (Noel Lorenz) in General Literary | Reads: 448 | Likes: 1

I am learning   Why doth life seem to be such a puzzle all of a sudden? I know not. When life can be successfully lived with all of us, but people bring division and divide this ‘all’ into many and bring unhappiness in a beautiful life.   It seems I am so inexperienced about life. It feels lik  Read More...

Published on Sep 2,2020 06:31 AM

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