Urja dhawan

reader writer and photographer
reader writer and photographer




For a long time they twirled and twirled .How long ?He couldn't apprehend the time.They simply continued dancing lost in each other's eyes. He had started to feel a bit tired , a bit sweaty, a bit woozy.   "What happened darling? Don't you wanna dance with me?", she asked in a hypnotic voice.    He frantically shook his head in a yes not being able to speak properly due to his dry throat."Good Boy", she whispered giving him a kiss.   And so they danc

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The Lantern

By Urja dhawan in Horror | Reads: 973 | Likes: 0

We sat huddled together in the tent, each of us clutching either a flashlight, pocket knife, or a fork -anything that was available to us and could qualify as a weapon. It wasn't going to be of any help. We knew that. It was merely a trick to fool our mind and prevent it from going insane -or e  Read More...

Published on Jun 6,2020 01:48 PM

The Child

By Urja dhawan in Supernatural | Reads: 758 | Likes: 1

I'm waiting for Mommy to come home -fast! I can't wait for the news. I'm sitting beside the staircase on the floor with my knees folded ,looking outside the door. It's hot. How long will she take? I glance at the clock in the opposite room through the open window.  It has been an hour. She must  Read More...

Published on May 26,2020 11:02 PM

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