


Light Filters in Poetry’s

Books by Ranjit Ree

Amalgamation of thoughts , observations and experiences .

“You are the phase I could tell how much it means to me”
“But when it’s broke there is a life, but Love means nothing once it’s broke”

“My book is for all broken souls, or even hearts ♥ . Lost something or someone , and it or they were very important for you? Or went through an unwanted breakup’s ? And those who are going throug

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Broken Soul

Books by Ranjit Ree

Broken Soul

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I’m always tired but never of you.

By Ranjit in True Story | Reads: 2,964 | Likes: 1

you say things are not same anymore  things cannot be same anymore and a lot more. I know! we both have changed. i am not the same either. my lips are more nicotine now i am more smoke than blood. my hands now hold cigarettes much longer than we ever held hands. excitement in my eyes to see   Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 07:13 PM

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