Parul Singh 'Noor'



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Books by Parul Singh Noor

Love is a journey, a dance of hearts and minds that takes us through the highest peaks of joy and the deepest valleys of sorrow. "Pretending" is a poignant exploration of this journey, capturing the essence of love in its many forms. Through a series of evocative poems, the book tells the story of two lovers who experience the full spectrum of emotions that come with loving deeply and losing profoundly.

From their first serendipitous meeting on a stair

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Books by Parul Singh Noor

Love is a journey, a dance of hearts and minds that takes us through the highest peaks of joy and the deepest valleys of sorrow. "Pretending" is a poignant exploration of this journey, capturing the essence of love in its many forms. Through a series of evocative poems, the book tells the story of two lovers who experience the full spectrum of emotions that come with loving deeply and losing profoundly.

From their first serendipitous meeting on a stair

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Books by पारुल सिंह 'नूर'

वस्ल की आकर्षक दुनिया में कदम रखें, जहां दिल की फुसफुसाहट और आत्मा की लालसाएं कविता की कालातीत कला के माध्यम से व्यक्त की जाती हैं। इस उत्कृष्ट संग्रह में, पारुल सिंह नूर आपको भा

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तुम्हारी नूर

Books by पारुल सिंह 'नूर'

'तुम्हारी नूर' काव्य विधाओं की 100 खूबसूरत कविताओं का संग्रह है। यह किताब उर्दू के स्पर्श के साथ हिंदी कविता के विभिन्न रूपों का संग्रह है; यह लेखन में वजन जोड़ता है और इसके स्तर को

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वो चाँद जैसी लड़की

Books by पारुल सिंह 'नूर'

वो उससे पूछती थी कब तक मेरा साथ दोगे तुम
वो हँसके बोल देता था जब तक साँस लोगे तुम
कहो अब कितनी शामों का तुम वादा करते हो
वो कहता उससे ज़्यादा जिनका तुम इरादा करते हो
कुछ यूँ गुफ़

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Books by Parul Singh Noor

Ishqa is a poetic collection of hindi and urdu ghazals, nazm and shayari.

This book gives the insight of a journey of love with its beautiful words. If you are fond of hindi and urdu poetry, then Ishqa is definitely written for you.

This poetic collection is dedicated to love. Ishqa <3

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