Baani Arora

Enjoy each and every moment of life.....
Enjoy each and every moment of life.....



Books by Baani Arora

Through this book i am going to express those feelings, started with beautiful things but ended up in a sorrow life. That love which may have ended up for him. But couldn't for me. Phase of life that is depressing. But i will get up.

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Faded love

Books by Baani Arora

Through this book i am going to express those feelings, started with beautiful things but ended up in a sorrow life. That love which may have ended up for him. But couldn't for me. 
Phase of life that is depressing. But i will get up.

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Books by Baani Arora

My book true love or just love contains a number of quotes those try to express a feeling that starts with just a meeting but ending up in love.

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Books by Baani Arora

My book PERI KI PUNJABAN contains number of quotes that express my feelings for my love.

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We Met

By Baani Arora in Romance | Reads: 612 | Likes: 0

WE MET FOR THE FIRST TIME I was in school, a teacher, a girl full of emotions and dreams in her eyes....never knew this place would change my life totally. It was going summer camp and luckily i got a friend which is quiet unexpected in school as they say, in school you are ideal for students but fo  Read More...

Published on May 25,2020 04:31 PM

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