Smita Buxi

Writer, Teacher & A Nature Lover
Writer, Teacher & A Nature Lover


एक ऐहसास

Books by स्मिता बक्शी

यह पुस्तक पूर्ण रूप से मन के भावों और विचारों को स्वछंद व्यक्त करती हुई, हमारी और आपकी कहानी है। जिंदगी की दौड़ भाग में, हम कब कहाँ गुम होते हैं, इसका हमें खुद भी पता नहीं रहता। इन

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Books by Smita Buxi

This book is a collection of thoughts and experiences of a common person. It compiles a variety of poems and quotes from our own surroundings. It has glimpses of nature, human fantasy and the maginificence of THE DIVINE.

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Books by Smita Buxi

Poetry is perhaps the most easy way of expressing yourself. Man is a highly emotional being. The collection of poems in this book is a spontaneous outflow of expressions. It basically covers various aspects of human behaviour, God and delightful glimpses of nature’s beauty. It cuts across country, caste, creed, culture or religion to touch the heart of a common man.

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A Strange Act

By Smita Buxi in True Story | Reads: 333 | Likes: 1

"Please be seated Mrs Solanki . How is your husband now ?"  "He is fine. Will take not less than twenty days more before he joins office . Atleast the major period is over now . Thanks for your support mam. "" "Don't worry  i am always there for you ." "Hope he drives safely now but you ne  Read More...

Published on Apr 19,2020 06:29 PM

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