Rekha Govindan Kurup

Rekha Govindan Kurup is the founder and director of She Stands Tall Project LLP (STTP). Her mission is to create safe, sacred, open spaces that support in the exploration, engagement, expression, and embodiment of the dance of the masculine and femin
Rekha Govindan Kurup is the founder and director of She Stands Tall Project LLP (STTP). Her mission is to create safe, sacred, open spaces that support in the exploration, engagement, expression, and embodiment of the dance of the masculine and femin

Rekha Govindan Kurup is the founder and director of She Stands Tall Project. Her mission is to create safe, sacred, open spaces that support in the exploration, engagement, expression, and embodiment of the dance of the masculine and feminine in all aspects of daily life through circle wisdom, ritual making, her-stories, creative art therapy, embodied earth-based spirituality, ancestral re-calling, trauma awareness, family constellation, and yoga-based spirituality. Her work is founded in a unique transformative learning model based on a whole person philosophy that addresses six areas of humaRead More...


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Living WoMan on Earth

Books by Rekha Kurup

THIS YEAR-LESS TIME-LESS BOOK is for any  human who wishes to understand the interconnected rhythms of Being Earth and Living Human by attuning your daily life force with and within the rhythm of earth life and deepen your inter-are awareness - inwards and outwards. Earth life predominantly consists of four phases namely Being (Rest), Being to Doing (Transition), Doing (Activity) and Doing to Being (Transition). These four phases are part of every species

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Living WoMan on Earth

Books by Rekha Kurup

THIS YEAR-LESS TIME-LESS BOOK is for any  human who wishes to understand the interconnected rhythms of Being Earth and Living Human by attuning your daily life force with and within the rhythm of earth life and deepen your inter-are awareness - inwards and outwards. Earth life predominantly consists of four phases namely Being (Rest), Being to Doing (Transition), Doing (Activity) and Doing to Being (Transition). These four phases are part of every species

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My 2024 LuniSolar Diary

Books by Rekha Kurup

This LUNI-SOLAR Calendar journal is founded in the Dark-Light Earth Wisdom. It mirrors the fact that all of life on earth is interconnected and interdependent inter-beings. Nothing exists in isolation or independence in this cosmic universe. Astrology and Astronomy, Biology and Cosmology, Science and Spirituality are all inter-related, inter-connected, and inter- dependent. While this LuniSolar Diary may seem to have a Gregorian appearance in terms of the move

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Introduction Garbha R'tu Sanchalan (Colour Print)

Books by Rekha Kurup

This book is an introduction to Garbha R’tu Sanchalan.
Garbha R’tu Sanchalan is a process of remembering, tuning in, engaging, embodying and navigating the Nature-Informed Womb Rhythm Compass (as shown in the image above) that is cyclically waxing and waning in her Womb there by in-forming, and influencing her energy of Shakti in the physical, emotional, psychological, creative, relational, and spiritual experience of being a Human female.

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Lunar Nitya Creative Workbook - Part 4

Books by Rekha Kurup

This book is the Fourth Book in the series of Exploring the Nitya Goddesses.
I invite you to begin with the First Book in this series before you come here. You may also, accompany this book with the LuniSolar Calendar Journal for the year of your engagement to deepen your footprints with the Dark-Light Rhythm of Earth. 

This fourth book supports you to navigate the waxing and waning in your Desire - Dreams - Intentions with, of, and through th

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Garbha Rtu Sanchalan

Books by Rekha Kurup

Introduction to Garbha R’tu Sanchalan supports human females to awaken into her Inner Womb Rhythm Compass. In its navigation, she may find her way Home into her own body. In finding her way, I hope she becomes a catalyst of transformative change within herself, her family, her community, and the World. 

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Lunar Nitya Creative Workbook

Books by Rekha Govindan Kurup

If you would like to - explore what it means to have an Embodied Lived Phenomenological Felt Connection with the Moon.- deepen your relationship with the Moon,- learn a way to navigate life in alignment with the phases of the Moon,- map the course of your life while flowing with the Moon!- coach your inner movements and visions to align with the Moon,- navigate your footprints in the world with the Moon,- strengthen your spiritual discipline - within and witho

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Lunar Nitya Creative Workbook - Part 1

Books by Rekha Govindan Kurup

The Moon is devoted to the Earth. Moon takes close to 29.5 days to complete one cycle around the Earth. As it circumambulates around the Earth, the Earth is circumambulating around the Sun while revolving on her own axis. From the earth, the moon appears to grow and recede as the light of the sun reflects off the moon. Moon enormously influences the mental, emotional and psychological makeup of human life on Earth; even more so a woman’s biology through

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The Rising Daughter, Silent Mother, Fading Grandmothers

Books by Rekha Govindan Kurup

Rising Daughter, Silent Mother and Fading Grandmothers narrates the organic research journey of Rekha Govindan Kurup (the author) as a modern-day city-bred daughter of Kerala, India wanting to redefine, reclaim and re-inform her relationship with body and sexuality through the discovery and investigation of Matrilineal Nayar practices. 

Rekha did not grow up in a traditional Nayar matrilocal joint family, but instead she lived with her father, mot

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2023 LuniSolar Calendar Diary - Paperback

Books by K. K. P Rekha

This LUNI-SOLAR Calendar journal is founded in the Dark-Light Earth Rhythm that interconnects all of life on earth within its myriad folds. It mirrors the truth that we are interdependent inter-beings, and nothing exists in isolation or independence of each other. Astrology, and Astronomy, Biology, and Cosmology, Science and Spirituality are all inter-related, inter-connected, and inter-dependent. While this LuniSolar Diary may seem to have a Gregorian appeara

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My Lunar Blood Journal

Books by Rekha Govindan Kurup

Today, we live in a time of the reigning masculine that has found its ways to negate embodiment by glorifying and overstaying in the light (mind-ego) cycle, and forgetting or resisting its way into the dark (body-death). It has given rise to an insatiable longing in the human ego to become bigger than Nature by defying the body’s death, aging, and need for rest. We have forgotten to slow down, and cool down. It feels like the whole world is navigating an

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