

Books by Samuel S Mitra, Peter Arockiam. A., Joseph K. & Milton Costa

UGC-NET Paper I My Mock Series is a book which contains all the previous question papers of the UGC-NET examination. It is a collection of all sloved MCQs starting from June, 2011 till December 2019. The answer keys have been given at the end of the book for reference. This book will be immensely helpful for students while preparing for this prestigious examination. It will give the candidates ample of opportunites to get hold of the pattern of questions which

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My Bible Stories

Books by Samuel S Mitra, Ruby Mary Notts, Violet Notts & Valentina Notts

This book is a collection of short Bible stories which would be of great interest to all the readers. This book has been written with utmost care putting forward some of the most talked about stories mentioned in the Holy Bible. The stories are short and has been written in a very simple manner to help the readers understand it and enjoy reading. The book caters to people of all age groups be it children, adolescents and adults. Each story has a pictorial repr

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St. Anthony of Padua

Books by Samuel S Mitra


This book is based on the Life and Miracles of Saint Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony is one of the most renowned saints of the Catholic Church and is beloved and worshipped all across the world by myriad devotees belonging to different religious group. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost items, lost in intangibles, lost people, etc. He is also known as the "Wonder Worker" for the astounding miraculous deeds which he performs even now

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CHRISTIANITY- the ultimate answer to Sustainability!

Books by Samuel S Mitra, Joseph K, Peter Arockiam A., Milton Costa & Ruby Mary Notts

The world and its precious environment is at stake. With the bewildering skyrocketing in the landscape of population, industrialization and globalization, the environment has become quite vulnerable. The sustainability of planet Earth has been challenged quite prodigiously and the environmental activists, its potential stakeholders and other nations of the world have been mulling over the conundrum which needs immediate attention. For achieving answers to glob

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The #Corona Effect – Novel Coronavirus invades world

By SAMUEL SNEARTH MITRA in General Literary | Reads: 770 | Likes: 0

In these few days the term “Coronavirus” or more stylishly “Corona” has become a household name making it popular yet menacing everywhere across the globe. In Hindi or Bengali, the term “Corona” would actually pronounce out to mean “Do not do” and from  Read More...

Published on Mar 26,2020 01:14 AM

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