Thea Rose



By Thea Rose in Poetry | Reads: 198 | Likes: 1

She bloomed in his arms, Like the moon blooms in the night's arms.   She was beautiful  yet annihilating, She was summer  to his winter heart.   She was enamored with him and he was besotted with her, he was the darkness  yet he was her sun.   Their souls were entwined with eachother  and the  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:50 PM

My Achilles heel

By Thea Rose in Poetry | Reads: 520 | Likes: 1

my Achilles heel is that every time I fall in love with someone or something.I invest all of me,I'm willing to put my all in and even when I try not to or don't want to,It's too little too late, I've already fallen,hard.  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 03:58 PM


By Thea Rose in Poetry | Reads: 597 | Likes: 7

one day will come when your joy turns into ashes in your mouth and that day my debt will be paid Henceforth  I will be whole again the piece of me you oh so viciously stole from me It will return to me and make me whole again I will reborn from the ashes like a Phoenix  and I will rise I w  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 09:38 PM

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