monika shaha

Writer:creating my magical era
Writer:creating my magical era

better half

By monika shaha in Poetry | Reads: 251 | Likes: 0

From all the mess, he is my clean space to live.. From all the noise,he is the peacefull sound.. From all the dark, he is my shinging star.. From all the lows, he is the reason to lift.. He is not just my better half    He is my happy half...  Read More...

Published on Mar 26,2020 12:12 PM

वो पहली बार जब प्यार हुआ

By monika shaha in Romance | Reads: 933 | Likes: 1

वो पहली बार जब प्यार हुआ  तो प्यार पे विस्वास हुआ बदलते हुए वक्त के साथ प्यार नही बदलेगा ऐसा आभाष हुआ..   वो पहली बा  Read More...

Published on Mar 26,2020 12:08 PM

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