lakshmi vasudev

Food safety consultant and Writer (Observer, explorer, avid reader and conversationalist!)
Food safety consultant and Writer (Observer, explorer, avid reader and conversationalist!)

Forever hers

By lakshmi vasudev in Romance | Reads: 299 | Likes: 0

Ram remembered 'her', how lovely 'she' was; how much they had enjoyed their drive to the beach. He had meant to propose... He had imagined that 'she' reciprocated his sentiments. And then, as they stood looking at the sunset, 'she' had confided in him... 'She' loved another and he discovered this on  Read More...

Published on Aug 4,2020 05:42 PM

These are a few of my favourite things...

By lakshmi vasudev in True Story | Reads: 350 | Likes: 0

There used to be a time when these lines  of the melody from the iconic movie 'Sound of Music' was enough to lift my spirits and bring a smile on my face... Humming songs (thankfully tuneful ones, or else the listeners would have made sure I shut up!) was a big part of my growing up years and   Read More...

Published on Aug 4,2020 08:35 AM

My mother's a liar

By lakshmi vasudev in True Story | Reads: 427 | Likes: 1

After completing my English class for class 1, wherein we read a lesson explaining the virtues of an honest boy and merits of speaking the truth, I looked around at the little faces and asked if they had understood all that was said. As it always happens, some mischievous ones immediately said they   Read More...

Published on Jun 23,2020 10:02 PM

Who am I..?!

By lakshmi vasudev in True Story | Reads: 315 | Likes: 0

Part 1 Then train was heading toward its destination oblivious to its passengers. Though all were travelling, everyone's life's journey was different and so was their purpose, reason or need to be here. Neerada sat near the window and looked out with a heavy heart, but the glimpses of moving landsca  Read More...

Published on May 25,2020 07:36 PM

Believe in yourself

By lakshmi vasudev in General Literary | Reads: 273 | Likes: 0

Dream your own dream; And follow your own  

Published on May 23,2020 01:49 PM

Oh really!!

By lakshmi vasudev in Romance | Reads: 761 | Likes: 0

She found a Greeting Card in her notes... The sender hadn't left a name... ' I'm seriously considering the profession of stone cutting; how else do I enter your heart ' it read. She wasn't sure if she was intrigued or angry or amused at the choice of words! Life went on..A new person had joined her   Read More...

Published on May 23,2020 12:49 PM

Keep it!

By lakshmi vasudev in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 262 | Likes: 0

I finally made that call. The call was to our beloved maid whose worth and value had multiplied multifold in the last month. She was clearly more dearly missed than we had initially assumed we would. Ofcourse, it was preceded by quite a few discussions and deliberations with my hubby emerging the go  Read More...

Published on May 19,2020 03:02 PM

What exactly did I do?!

By lakshmi vasudev in True Story | Reads: 754 | Likes: 3

'I want to post the story on my company website; please write it soon..' She said bye to her friend and wondered what to write...Various stages of lockdown were nearly over and she now had to write the ' lockdown story' for him! Nothing like a steaming cup of filter coffee to set the train of though  Read More...

Published on May 19,2020 02:26 PM

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