th Day, The rug on which I slept started to breed molds
on them. My stay inside the cell was starting to awaken regret. Waking up, I became restless so I quickly went for a bath. The
water which came out was extremely hot which burned me as I
was wounded, wounds inflicted on my skin as I was puni Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 11:21 AM
DAY11, The cell had started to get grimy as others turned it into a habitat of their own. Tiny critters and creepy crawlies started swarming minding their own business as I did. The room slowly started to get filled with a lot of spider webs as the room was merely an abandoned one with a person insi Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 10:16 PM
It’s been 10 days, Sleeping late than normal, Waking up earlier than usual. My body doesn't feel alright, As if it’s trying to tell me something. My sole purpose of being alone just backfired on me. While staring through the broken window, I saw nothing As the the whole world felt &ldquo Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 07:38 PM
It's been 9 days of solitary confinement, Locking me up in My own room due to my own free will, Loathing to see the poisoned world and it was time since tried something new. It's weird, The feeling just pops up that you're Locked up Because of you and just when you thought everything was perfect the Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 07:10 PM